Wintertime pudge

If you are into it, indoor sports, rather than just plain working out can be a good way to stay engaged and in shape in the winter if you have a tough time getting out of the city. Raquet Ball, Basketball, volleyball, etc are all good workouts. I started playing in a couple weekly hockey games the last couple of years and it has been a great way to try and keep things tight.
I was feeling good about my start on the de-tox by grilling up some Mahi Mahi and eating some steamed mixed vegetables then I went over to Fin's and that's when I fell off the wagon. Mrs. Fin makes a killer Ginger Snap cookie and I'm pretty sure she puts some sort of drug in them that makes you not want to stop eating. By the end of the night I believe I ate 8 of them with some milk. Pretty sure that cancelled out my Mahi Mahi meal.:eek:
I was doing good over the summer. Cut out all the excess sat. fats/carbs, no pop or tea, only water. I was doing good too. Lost about 20 pounds in a month and a half. Then the wife started putting on the baby weight and somehow I thought I was supposed to too :eek: I have gained back about 10 pounds of that. I will be glad when the baby gets here so that we can both have something other than food to preoccupy us! Well that, and shed hunting season!
I've had biscuits and gravy more times this month than in the last 5 years combined. I know I've had Mexican at least 7 times this month and Chinese twice. Lets not talk about Thanksgiving and Christmas meals either. Tomorrow we celebrate Christmas at my inlaws so it's not over yet. Lunch is in 15 minutes and I'm thinking a quarter pounder will be good.

Funny thing is, I went from 170 to 164...........tape worm?
you people seem to forget that round is a shape. have almost all of the holiday goodies gone. little bit of peanut brittle left. and maybe a handful of chocolate covered cherries. and a few hersheys kisses left in the bag. after they are all gone, will stop eating them.:D

as far as the pants sizes go. the smaller sizes will still fit. you just have to wear them lower.
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I have taken the last week and a half off and the wife is a great cook and I have had zero discipline in resisting her Christmas baking. I will hit the ole Insanity again starting next week.
I lost too much during hunting season, and have been enjoying trying to get it back.

Christmas put me back over 140 for the first time in a while.
My wife asked me how much I'd gain during her next pregnancy. Still trying to lose what I gained during her first.
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