Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Willing and Able.


New member
Sep 21, 2011
I am willing and very able to follow you to your favorite bull elk honey hole, no matter how tough the terrain. Preferably, you would show me this place before September 1st. A map would also suffice; however, I probably could not read it since I have never done an ounce of research in my life. Telling me how and where to set up would be great too, as I looking to shoot at least a 7 point in my first year hunting. I have nothing to offer you in exchange EXCEPT pure competition. Wouldn't your hunting experience be much more enjoyable with a stranger hunting your exact spot, for exactly the same bull(s)??? Please no PMs, just put your honey hole out there for everyone to see, and let the competition begin!!
Dear SW-

I'll be happy to help you with your request. However, you need to know that our group does not shoot any bulls under 370" and we will not walk further than 200 yards from any place we can't drive our ATV's to.
SWM your heartfelt words have found a place in my soul and I will oblige you.

Here are the coordinates...

And a map for reference.

Make sure you get a snow cone over by the Carousel and watch out for the Lorikeets, they are some biting little bastards!
Gerald- 200 yards sounds a bit far to be walking from an ATV... your crew is crazy!!

Isn't this about the time I am supposed to say how I thought the guys on this site (which I just signed onto for the first time) were better than this and that I was just looking for some help but I now see how things really are?? :D

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