Wife's other two tags and daughter's Bear


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Kuna, Idaho
I am a school teacher, so I have time to sit down and do a little writting. Thanks for the comments on my first post "Wife's Idaho Muley". Please don't take my self prescribed name "thegamegtr" as bragging. My first six years of hunting were more like "walking with weapon". I did not shoot an animal until I was in college. I shot a doe with my bow. My stabilizer was a "Gamegetter". I put that on my licence plate, and have improved on my 1 animal to 6 year ratio.
Anyway, someone had asked how my wife had done on her other two tags. I replied on the other thread, but thought more of you could see how she did on a new post.
Nicki shot her first antelope with a bow this year. A couple of years earlier she missed a young buck and mannaged to shoot my blind. "Buck Fever" has a firm grip on her. This season she had a chance at a 14" goat at first light. As the goat came in, he stopped at 25 yards and looked into the blind. I told her not to move. After the buck had finished drinking at 17 yards and walked away, I asked her why she did not shoot. She looked at me like I was stupid and reminded me that I told her not to move. Rookie Guide! She redeamed herself later that day with a killer shot on a doe. I kept my mouth shut this time.
Her first elk hunt was next. I had spent three days scouting the area prior to the opener. I had found a beautiful 6 pt. bull in the same area I had shot a 7 pt. a few years earlier. I picked her up the day before the opener. We watched that 6 pt. all evening. He had about 25 cows and was bugling up a storm. The next morning everything was going as planned. We had a jump on all the hunters from the top and were the first ones down the mountain. The only problem was the 6 hunters who came up from the ranch below had plans of their own. That included running and a lot of shooting. It was a bummer, but if she had shot that 6 pt. on the first morning of her first elk hunt, she would have been ruined. It took us two more weekends, but we finally got it done. She harvested her first bull "spike" elk. It was great, up until we started the two mile pack out. She did a great job, and made every trip with me.

My duaghter drew on the only tag she put in for--"Bear". That is right-My girls drew 4 out of 4. I should have put them in on a Bighorn Sheep hunt!! The night prior to the hunt, my 17 year old daughter was talking pretty big around the camp fire. She was telling everyone how she was going to climb the tree and stab the bear with a knife. Reality hit when she saw the bear in the tree. We were all under the tree looking up at the bear, when I realized the "shooter" was no where to be found. I looked up the mountain and she had found herself a nice safe spot about 20 yards away. I told her to come down and check out the bear and she gave me the "not going to happen" look. I walked up to her, and with some words of encouragement she came down to the tree. It was pretty intense. She finaly made the 15ft, shot with the .44 cal lever action. Luckily, she made a great shot--right in the chest. That's my girl !!

I never did hunt for myself this season. However, I have never had more fun! Hopefully, you enjoy the pics and stories. Maybe next year I will draw a tag


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Sheesh, looks like your shooting isn't needed, but your gutting and packing skills are getting well refined. Congrats to the ladies and shooting.
HEY..... Yer not the GameGetter with the Personalized License plates that took a Taxidermy class several years ago in the evening are ya (NNU)? You sure look familiar. Real names Oscar Williamson..... You remember me ?
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Tell your family congrats on some fine animals. Like Randy said you don't need to do any shooting with the girls you have.
Loved the story and pics. Congrats on some awesome guiding for your wife and daughter. I agree, it`s even more enjoyable watching them shoot and have fun.
HEY..... Yer not the GameGetter with the Personalized License plates that took a Taxidermy class several years ago in the evening are ya (NNU)? You sure look familiar. Real names Oscar Williamson..... You remember me ?

Yep--That's me! Still upset that I only got 2/3 credit for that course! That was a long time ago--how goes the taxidermy? I am still doing taxidermy for my family. However, the birds I mounted in that class--last birds I will ever do. I just finished sewing up a springbok. Currently prepping a Kudu and antelope cape, and then I am going to do my first full body mount on the bear my daughter shot. Kinda nervous about the bear.

I have enjoyed reading your posts for a couple of years now. Keep having fun! Wade
I never got into Taxidermy. I still have the Chuckar I mounted though :)

Good hearing from ya. Funny how full circles in life happens sometimes ;)

Congrats to yer Wife and Daughter. You guys are some Slaying machines !!!
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