NEW SITKA Ambient 75


I would think that your rod would sure get banged around a lot in one of those carriers.

Don't get the animosity toward fly fishing though. I am sorry it became a fad (thanks Robert Redford). Having said that, Trout Unlimited spends tons on conservation and stream restoration, and most donors are fly fishermen.

Not into bird watching, but my sister in law is and all her crew belong to conservation organizations.

We're all in this together.
Back in 1977 they finished the Lost Creek Dam on the Rogue River. They also built a fish hatchery just downstream of the dam. The stretch of water between the dam and the hatchery was stocked with big rainbows and designated for catch and release fly fishing only. That meant that us low brow, worm drowning, trout eating untouchables were not allowed to fish there. So, us low brow, worm drowning, trout eating untouchables decided that since that stretch of river was so sacred that only elitist fly fishermen were allowed in, we would sarcastically dub it "THE HOLY WATER." The name stuck and it is now officially known as The Holy Water.

40 years later I saw an article, written by an elitist fly fisherman, about "The Holy water." He said something to the effect that it was called "The Holy water" because it was almost like fishing in Heaven. Stupid elitist fly fishermen don't even know when they are being ridiculed. Kinda takes all the fun out of making fun of them.
Back in 1977 they finished the Lost Creek Dam on the Rogue River. They also built a fish hatchery just downstream of the dam. The stretch of water between the dam and the hatchery was stocked with big rainbows and designated for catch and release fly fishing only. That meant that us low brow, worm drowning, trout eating untouchables were not allowed to fish there. So, us low brow, worm drowning, trout eating untouchables decided that since that stretch of river was so sacred that only elitist fly fishermen were allowed in, we would sarcastically dub it "THE HOLY WATER." The name stuck and it is now officially known as The Holy Water.

40 years later I saw an article, written by an elitist fly fisherman, about "The Holy water." He said something to the effect that it was called "The Holy water" because it was almost like fishing in Heaven. Stupid elitist fly fishermen don't even know when they are being ridiculed. Kinda takes all the fun out of making fun of them.
Fly fishing and catch & release fit together hand in hand. Trout rarely inhale a fly (especially a dry fly) but they almost always fatally inhale bait. To promote trophy fishing, catch & release flies only makes sense. Also makes economic sense in stocked waters that get a lot of pressure. Bait fishermen will clean it out as fast as the fish can be dumped in the water. Hatchery fish typically taste like sawdust anyway so what's the point in killing them?
Seriously, why? Everytime I see an angler pull a rod out of one of these at the river, they still spend 30mins tying on whatever setup they're fishing with that day. What is the purpose vs a regular rod case you can just throw in the back of a truck and/or Subaru? What am I missing here other than a lot of hardware just to tell the world you're a fly fisherman?

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So is this like a road hunting setup for fly fishing? Seems like it goes against the condescending nature of the fly fishing crowd.

The rest of the truck doesn't look very eliteist though. Usually guys have wasted another $20k on their rig before they top it off with one of those things. Those look like rental truck tires for heaven's sake. Maybe elite fly fishermen use their wives tires on their rigs?
I would think that your rod would sure get banged around a lot in one of those carriers.
I have tubes made of PVC pipe for each of my three fly rods. None of the rods are tossed loose in the tubes. Each rod first goes into a cloth bag with separate compartments for each section.
I have nothing against fly fishermen, maybe since before horses, I fly fished a good amount. Sure, some of them name every insect hatch by the latin name...not a big deal to me. Some of them do have a holier than thou attitude about keeping fish, but most aren't that over the top about either of those things.

It is much like hunting, imo. It is very visual, and a cast has to be accurate. Fish are skittish, so there is stealth involved.

The largest flaw in catch and release is that it can allow someone to not realize that fishing is a blood sport also. It also can lead to not knowing when to say when. You will kill some percentage of trout while fly fishing. If you catch 50 trout in a day, and that's possible on good days, not every last one of them will recover from being caught.

I released far more trout than I kept. Trout that took a fly deeply, got kept, if the rules allowed it. I also would keep enough for a meal a few times a year. I really enjoyed taking 14-16 inch browns from the Bighorn and smoking them. Their flesh was nearly as orange as salmon and they smoked up really well.

It is human nature to divide into clans or cliques. When it comes to conserving what remains of the natural world, fly fishermen are an ally.
I always thought rod boxes were necessary attire for the transplants who just moved in from California and bought a Toyota with a topper. I see so many Bozetards rocking them and honestly think they don’t even fish, or fish twice a year and keep the rod boxes on 365. Imho it’s just advertising to the tweekers which vehicle to break into.
It does require some skill level well above a spinning rod, much like bow vs rifle hunting.

False. Accurately casting a fly is far easier, you can see where the line is before you “drop” it. Also, try mending your line with 10# braid compared to fly line. Fly fishing is far easier