Why I Don't Like Big Fin


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2016
The "celebrity" hunter I can't stand more than anyone is Randy, and right now I really dislike him. He tells us "don't delay on your dream hunts", "don't wait till next year", etc...... We'll that's not possible for some of us.....is what I normally think when people say that. But then Randy has the audacity to go on these dream hunts, videos them, uploads the videos for us to watch for free, and makes a podcast about them. Now I know most "celebrity" hunters do this, but that not what irritates me. What really gets under my skin is when you watch/hear about these hunts, you realize that they are very possible to do, and affordable. Then you start to realize you really have no excuse not to experience hunts like these, and all your excuses are just that, excuses. Haha now all i can think about is how bad I want to hunt deer/javalina/birds/jack rabbits during the nonpermit archery season in Arizona, hunt caribou and moose in BC, deer in Montana, and elk in Wyoming. So thanks thanks for nothing Randy. Now my distractions with hunting have gone up 10 fold.

Several years ago, I was able to meet Randy at the SHOT show. He was very nice and took time to talk with me. That alone shows that he will associate with unsavory characters. I would say his judgement might be questionable😁.

He is a great advocate for DIY hunters and public lands! His videos keep me motivated and helped me when I was going through my medical issues.

Thanks for everything Randy!
He’s also a shill for DQ, introducing the children to a lifelong addiction
I did it back in 2018 and even though my Elk hunt fell apart on me. I still had a good time and even now I'm might not be a popular guy on here and getting made fun of because I still have no Elk.( It doesn't bother me) I still dream of going back and what I'm going to do different next time to succeed..I have some serious family issues going on so I'm looking at probably two years before I can go back... so until then I will stay jealous also. When I was in my twenties.. I couldn't afford to go out west so i feel your pain... I have enjoyed Randy's videos I think he is a cool cat that loves doing his thing.
OK gota be honest here not a big computer guy only buy chance found this site abt 1 1/2 yrs ago and abt same time saw one of his videos for first time I dont watch outdoor TV shows due to most are not very real but have liked all his stuff , not many out their doing OCT tags and DYI and helping other do it too
Not going to lie he definitely has persuaded me to spend tons of money on gear such as Sitka and Bowtech and I have really got the western hunting bug. Also after going on one sheep hunt myself and watching his dall sheep video I have a dream to hunt sheep as much as I can which has a big price tag.
That jerk "forced" me to retire from a medical career early! Follow your dreams...bla bla. Now look at me. Pathetic!

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