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Why do you need a tag to hunt?


Jul 2, 2020
I believe that you only need a tag to kill animal. I live in Nevada, a state that can be hard for even residents to draw these days. Time and time again I see so many people on social media so mad that they didn't draw yet again this year. I see people say how am I supposed to bring My kids up in a world of hunting if We can't draw a tag? I live about 45 miles from Las Vegas, in a desolate arid environment. Not much around here except one lone mountain range, that happens to have deer and elk on it if you know where to look. There was I time that I had no idea where to look, but over time the more I looked the more I found.
My message to these people is load your kids up man. Take them out into the hills. Why do you need a tag to have the exact same experience as the guy with the tag? As for Myself, We started putting up trail cameras in early May. Here in Nevada We can only have cameras up from January to the end of July. We are out in our local mountains well before the draw process begins. If We don't draw so what. I set up the trail cams to determine where I want to start trying to video game after we have to take the cameras down. Take last weekend for example, my boy's and I left the house at 4 A.M. and We had hiked into our spot before the sun came up. That morning a small 5X5 bull came in and was about 10 yards from us. Tag or no tag it doesn't get much better than that. Later a doe and fawn came in, I videoed them as well. Then I spotted two more big bulls up high and got to video them as well. Even if only the doe and fawn came in it would have been a great day.
I've killed a muzzleloader bull in Nevada and My wife has killed early rifle bull as well. So we aren't even eligible for the draw for years still, but My son's are and they each have 5 bonus points. I've decided that I need to work on My calling skills. Since My boy's have both taken deer with Their bow at 14 years old and They both want to hunt elk with their bows. We are going to work on our calling skills come late August into September. No sense in waiting until they draw a tag when We can learn this skill now. Lots of people call bulls in and don't kill them.
My point in all of this is don't let a draw system keep you from going out and learning about the area that you want to hunt. Sometime soon My son's and I are doing a backpack fishing trip, about 4 hours from home. Should be fun, but it is also part of My plan to see where the elk are during archery season.

You are your only limit!

The same question could be asked of those who complain about the draw odds and point creep while there are easily drawn cow and doe tags throughout the west that can be had every year - even as second choice and leftovers that still allow you to swing for the fence on first choice.

We all like horns, but there's no reason to not be buying bullets and butcher paper every year.
I grew up hunting. My dad was an avid hunter and taught me much about hunting and the outdoors - and so much more about life in the process. I appreciate those days now much more than I did at the time (getting up at 5:00am to freeze your ass off isn’t always at the top of a 12 yr. old’s “what i want to do today” list). I left for college at age 18 and then on to professional career, starting a family, etc., and completely left hunting for the next 35 years. However I still spent as much time as I could in nature - biking, hiking, kayaking, camping. It wasn’t until my son took an interest in hunting, and my move west, that I recently got back into hunting. It’s been great to have that experience with my son, and wish we’d started earlier. But I have to agree that just being out in nature is what I enjoy the most. Hunting simply give me a reason and motivation to do it.
The same question could be asked of those who complain about the draw odds and point creep while there are easily drawn cow and doe tags throughout the west that can be had every year - even as second choice and leftovers that still allow you to swing for the fence on first choice.

We all like horns, but there's no reason to not be buying bullets and butcher paper every year.
agreed. I have LOP tags in Oregon. Can get them for a bull and a buck. But every year I only get cow tags and doe tags. I have never even put in for a bull.. Just think enjoying hunting is the goal, not horns. I think cows eat better, easier to pack and saves me from convincing myself I need another head on the wall.
I know a number of Nevada hunters who pack into deer camp every year. The only difference is whose name is on the tag. (No I don't mean Party hunting). The kids get to know the country and help process and pack the deer. They experience the camaraderie of deer camp and maybe hunt some Chukar on the east side while the tag holder is on the west side of the area. They learn the country and put some miles on their boots and horses.

I think too many kids have their first hunt with a rifle in their hands. From the time I was 6 I tagged along on day hunts with dad. Back at camp i hunted Jack rabbits with BBguns. By the time I had a tag, I knew the canyons and trails, and I'd been in on a number of dead deer. i can't imagine how overwhelming it would have been to have my first experience hunting with no prior experience.

OP I concur, and welcome.
I have often thought something very similar. There are areas I'd love to draw and hunt but are very difficult to draw. But there isn't a reason I couldn't go there during hunting season with all my gear, minus a rifle or bow, and take a camera. Have the goal of taking a pic of the desired animal at a cartain range or something. One could "hunt" many different areas and animals this way and have a very similar experience to the real thing. But on the other hand, for me anyways, pulling the trigger and all that goes with that afterward is very much part of the experience I enjoy.
I have often thought something very similar. There are areas I'd love to draw and hunt but are very difficult to draw. But there isn't a reason I couldn't go there during hunting season with all my gear, minus a rifle or bow, and take a camera. Have the goal of taking a pic of the desired animal at a cartain range or something. One could "hunt" many different areas and animals this way and have a very similar experience to the real thing. But on the other hand, for me anyways, pulling the trigger and all that goes with that afterward is very much part of the experience I enjoy.
You can always come help me pack out! :p

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