Who else is still inundated with smoke?

Yeah I “love” chewing my air 🙄
We get good days and bad depending on wind shift, no real fires super close by but one off to the west that the too are just turning into a giant ass controlled burn. I get the rationale, used to fight fires with the USFS but it do get old!

Ours is the Cedar Creek fire; began as a lightning strike on August 1st and containment still only 50%. Stats showing Total personnel: 597 | Resources: 17 engines; 13 crews; 7 helicopters; 8 heavy equipment | Over 125,000 acres at this point and still smoking like an old dodge.
We still have three fires burning in the Eagle Cap within 20 miles of us. Nearest is less than 8. The smoke is as bad of not worse than it was in late August. The fires have really slowed down, just kinda smoldering along, just kinda rolls along and falls into the Grande Ronde Valley.
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