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White Clouds Wilderness


New member
Dec 11, 2000
With all the publicity lately about high obesity rates in the US, wouldn't it be better to encourage people to get some healthy exercise by walking in the wilderness areas instead of putting their fat asses on ATVs and expecting to ride everywhere they feel like going? No wonder there's a fatasss health crises! I can't believe how lazy some people are!

Here's the title of the article: Simpson offers new plan for saving White Clouds wilderness

Can anyone explain how allowing ATVs in the wilderness area is going to "save" it? Sounds like a misleading headline to me!

[ 06-18-2004, 10:10: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]
First, I don't know much about he area, but:

I would be amazed if this flies. I believe each group will bitch about the compromises in the plan loudly enough to sink it.

I don't understand how a plan including a net loss of over 1000 acres of federal land is a positive for the public. "To help offset the costs of providing services to wilderness users???" How in the heck does it cost the county MORE if the area is wilderness? Intuitively, it would seem just the opposite.

Bicyclists and snowmobiles need a paved trail???

By definition, a "wilderness" with a motorcycle trail through the middle of it is not a wilderness.

I agree with Oak and Ithaca, you cant have a wilderness and motorized access, simple as that.

This proposed pipe dream is dead in the water.

The BRC and atvers wont get their way, thats a fact.
"...this is about the most rediculous thing I have read...."

Now maybe people will start realizing what we're up against. The fatasses won't be happy until they can ride their ATVs everywhere. This doesn't have anything to do with multiple use or riding ethics----all it has to do with is lazy, fatassed slobs who are afraid to walk a couple miles.
Absolutely ridiculous. Like Oak, I can't see where the county needs to be given federal land to "offset the higher costs"? If anything, the fatasses will buy more twinkies, pop and shitkabobs on the way through town and boost the local economy!

...I can see it now....

"Dateline:Whitecloud Wilderness.....two backpackers and one hunter were killed as they failed to yield on the path as fatasses sped by on they're ATV's and snowmachines, crushing the 3 to death. No charges will be filed as this is a multiple use wilderness with the right of way going to those with the biggest, fastest machines....." :rolleyes:
Ithaca's quote,
"Can anyone explain how allowing ATVs in the wilderness area is going to "save" it? Sounds like a misleading headline to me!"
--------there is already trail access in this area (wilderness)? so who is doing the misleading ?
Ya think he might be talking about "saving" the access people now have?

Buzz's quote
"I agree with Oak and Ithaca, you cant have a wilderness and motorized access, simple as that."

I also happen to agree with that statment.

So please tell us how they are going to place this under the term wilderness when
there is motorized access right now?
While you guys are explening to us how anyone can call an area that has been used for motorized access a wilderness area ,you might also want to tell us what "Kaz Thea's " true plan is for these area's.

Do you really think people like that are thinking of YOU as a HUNTER ? LOL
Or only thinking about locking up large tract's of land to protect large predator's and all wildlife from people like you and me that are into hunting?

I dont think Carol King Founder of "NREPA" (Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act )or "Kaz Thea" is thinking about how great the hunting will be once they get this area locked up in wilderness.
It look's like they are misleading you and using your hate of other type's of recreation user's to help there cause.

[""For humans, wilderness areas are places of solace. But from a wildlife perspective, species don’t have the confrontation of mechanized human uses that impact them," said Kaz Thea, of Hailey. A former U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist, she is an advocate for the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act, a federal bill that would designate wilderness in road-free areas throughout the Northern Rockies.

"The importance is locking up large tracts of land, and that’s the beauty of wilderness, because you’re reducing intensive human uses like off-highway vehicle use," Thea said. "Large blocks of unfragmented habitat with low human intervention are one of the key aspects of wilderness areas.""]
Please name one wilderness area in Idaho WITHOUT motorized access????

Maybe the Gospel Hump? Not sure....

But the Frank Church is loaded with Motorzied Access. Let's first get the Boulder Whiteclouds designated, and then we can work on tightning the screws on the Fat-Assed crowd, and at least get them out of the area.
In Southern Oregon we have the Kaliopis, Rogue River, Sky Lakes, Rogue/Umpqua Divide and Cascade wilderness which are all totally none motorized. The Siskiyou National Monument which Slick Willy desinated is non motorized except for the homes that got trapped by this land confication. Right now the Oregon Wilderness's are not managed, they are locked. I hunt/camp/hike and fish in them. Some of them are in very bad shape and will eventually burn hot and steril. Just like the Sour Biscuit fire did to the Kaliopsis Wilderness. The Chetco and Illinios rivers are getting tons of sediment from the Sour Biscuit burn which can't be good for Salmon and Steelhead, but we don't hear about that. I'm not for massive explotation, just a little management. Maybe thats to much to ask?
Maybe soon I will be able to walk the mountains you speak of and see the lakes and wilderness areas that will be affected...But be getting paid well to do so... Now wouldn't that be fun...
Your right the, mailboat does go up to Paradise lodge. I believe they still have a government contract to deliver mail. I personally don't like the mailboats. When I was younger I used to cliff dive and jump off bridge for the mailboat riding fatassed drunks. Now they just have a way of getting in the way when I'm trying to land a nice king. Your not allowed to hunt the Rogue Wilderness. You cant even use force with bears.
You didn't take a drunken ride on a mailboat into the wilderness area did you? I hope I didn't flip you off or anything mean like that?
nahh... I don't much care for Jetboats... My kayak and neoprene always seem to clog up their pumps, and they get upset.

I generally flip them off too, just to let them know that they aren't welcome on the rivers. I almost put river water in a fuel filler cap, as the guy tailgated me through a rapid once...
I'm not going to readthe Details and The posts cuz of time but the White cloud wilderness is were my Neighbor and Cancun buddy Warren drew his Goat permit.... Jsut an Unrelated FYI :D :D