Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

What's the deal with MT?

The problem is it isn't really a random sample though. Like was stated earlier, the check stations are only open from noon to an hour after dark on the weekends. The serious die hard guys, the guys that would really increase the success rates, are almost completely missed because of this.

I'd buy in to their numbers more on year to year trends, but on overall success I think they miss big time.

Even if they did a 100% check in, it'd still be skewed low though just because such a large percentage of people that buy tags put forward so little effort. Going for a drive and enjoying some road pops on opening day and Thanksgiving is 'hunting season' for a large amount of Montanans.

There's two issues, one is the pool enough for an accurate sample and does the pool provide an accurate portrayal.

Between sampling at checkstations, and phone calls the number to get a decent pool is pretty low. I got checked at Darby in the early morning on a Tuesday, and got a phone call as did the rest of my group. I have over 5,000 hours in selecting sample sets for an audit and between checkstations and random calls it's not a high bar to clear to get a decent sample.

The issue of does the pool provide an accurate portrayal is a separate issue and we pretty much agree. The success percentage provides no indication of days hunted, weather, access, hunting technique etc. etc. There are too many variables outside the statistic and that is where all success rates are limited and why we shouldn't rely on them.
Randy11 already hit it. FWP is looking at trends. They doh't necessarily care what total harvest or success rate is, and they wouldn't necessarily use those in their population data anyway. They are using herd trend survey areas for that.

Success rates are pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
There's two issues, one is the pool enough for an accurate sample and does the pool provide an accurate portrayal.

[quoted text removed.....]

The issue of does the pool provide an accurate portrayal is a separate issue and we pretty much agree. The success percentage provides no indication of days hunted, weather, access, hunting technique etc. etc. There are too many variables outside the statistic and that is where all success rates are limited and why we shouldn't rely on them.

I do agree - it's not an accurate portrayal. As such, why even publish the number? The Analytical Chemist in me says that an inaccurate number like this with no qualifications on how to interpret the number is worse than not publishing a number.

Save us some tax dollars, unless there's a bunch of interns/volunteers that need to come up with resume building experience.

Maybe it's just to weed out the number of hunters coming into MT.
Yep Colorado is way better, 100% draw on deer tags and either 5 or 9 day rifle seasons. Just ask the CPW.
This comment is as true as it can get.

They call still, but many calls always seem to be, "did you see any wolves". and thats it. Heck, I've only been called twice in 4-5 years....

My favorite was a few years ago, I got a call from FWP and they asked if I filled my B elk tag, I said "nope", and tried to let them know that I killed 2 deer, an antelope, and an elk, but they didn't want any of that information.

They should make it mandatory reporting for all big game species IMO.
By trend counts, classification counts, age structure of harvest to name a few.
They should make it mandatory reporting for all big game species IMO.

Mandatory reporting isn't all it's cracked up to be. WA has mandatory reporting, and I know people that deliberately report no harvest in areas so that they don't affect the season structure.

Actual animal numbers on the ground is a whole lot more important than estimates as to how many folks took. Check stations may not give an entirely accurate snapshot as to hunter success, but they provide very valuable information as to the age structure of the animals being harvested.