What's happening in my elk spot?

Paul in Idaho

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2012
Southwest Idaho
I have the B elk tag for Idaho's Sawtooth zone this year. Yesterday, deer season opened there so I hunted the area I have been planning to hunt elk in. I used to hunt here during late November muzzleloader seasons. It has been a few years since I hunted this spot, so I wanted to see how it looks before committing my year's elk hunt to it. I saw 6 doe muleys, and nothing else.

My spot is quite steep, and there are no trails. The only way to travel is right on the knife-edge ridge lines. Between 4,000 and 5,000 feet elevation, I saw quite a few elk tracks. They ranged from very old to within the past week. I thought that was promising, but then I started to realize I was seeing only very old manure - nothing close to fresh. At the upper end of my hunt, I found 2 little elk antler sheds on the ridgeline.

I hunted the south-facing finger ridges, hoping to find a buck. I found several places where animals had been digging up mushrooms, but there was no bare dirt to show tracks.

My theory at this point is that my spot is a wintering area. The tracks are likely being made by elk traveling for water. A few might be living in the north-facing side, but they're safe there - the thick brush is way over my head and it's too steep to walk, much less pack meat out of.

Do you think I am correct, or is there something else I should consider?
HI Paul, I am leaving tomorrow for that area, will be staying in Stanley. Iam wondering where in the Sawtooth zone you are with those altitudes. I have seen a fair number of Mule Deer and Elk in the higher regions both sides of the Sawtooth Valley in October. West of Stanley Lake and Elk Creek is worth a look and the upper regions of 4th of July cr. is good too, if you have a horse or like to walk. Good luck.

Mike r
Thanks Mike. I was near Garden Valley. I have been wanting to go into 4th of July for years. I like to walk.

I returned last night from the Challis area, and looked at a few areas around Stanley and Lowman. I have a few vacation days set aside to hunt either when (if) we finally get some weather, or the last week of season.

Last night I drove into Garden Valley around 8:30 and had to come to an abrupt stop as a herd of elk crossed the road, no more than 300 yards from the 35mph sign on the east side of town.
Same here only on foot.
We usually put up a cam at the edge of our camp only because there are some POSs who will pick up chainsaws or anything else worth $$$ left in camps. Will try to get pics posted later of lonesome Louise 51 yards out of camp.

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