Whats a good run ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So I wanted to set a goal this Jan of running 1 mile a day. Running/ Walking... Whatever. Just for the month. So I'm planning on doing 1 mile a day at least for the first week (Which I've done, Yippee, 4 days into it ;) )

So I've started taking my Average Min/mile ratio. Like, If I go 1 mile in 15 mins it's a 15 min Mile. I did that because when I hear of 13 mile runners I hear the times that way. Like a 8 min Mile average, Etc.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone here "RAN" or kept track of stats ? What do you do ? Are you a 20 min Mile person or a 5 min Mile person ? And were should I be at ?

I know it makes a difference if it's 1 mile or 10 miles... but just loking for some numbers of what you do or what the average is.

Also, I'm talking about RUNNING, Not anything about you being a 1 Min man in bed ;)
Good for you Oscar. I too have been turning it up a little bit since most hunting is done for a while.

I am far from an expert, but I would recommend you go a little further than a mile. Not because of the distance so much, as the time you spend with an elevated heart rate. I think you should try to go 1/2 hour and see where that puts you. Continue with the 1/2 hour and watch the distance increase. Just my thoughts.

On a side note, you better be doing better that 15 minute miles. Hell, we do our pack tests faster than that with weighted packs and forced to walk.:D
I'm just Running...... About a Mile a day, or more, I'll post my Daily runs later this month. I'm doing distance more then length. I'm guessing as it gets better I'll bump up the Pace and see how far in a certain time. ALL the "STATS" are going on paper so either way...... I started out Fast walking too. I have to "jog" at about a 3.8 - 3.9 MPH pace. Today at lunch(Cuz I slept in :D ) I jogged a little at a 6 MPH pace which is a 10 min mile. I warmed up at 3 MPH so I went 1.2 Miles in 15 mins or a 12.5 min Mile. I could push more but I'm jsut starting out. My wife says I push it way to fast when I start and It burns me out quick so I quit. So this time I'm easing up slowly. My guess is this week I'll be doing a 14-15 min Mile pace (Week Average) (YAh I know, SLOW) and then Every week averaging higher and longer.

I'll give you the Weeks #'s on Monday.

What do you run in 30 mins Mt ?
You are doing better than I. I had big plans here this winter and this week I managed to pull my rear out of bed by 8:45 everyday and speed to work.

I agree with your wife. In the days that I did work out. I started out slow for 2 months or so, after that break in period I couldn't stand to miss it. It became something that I couldn't go without. Not something I dreaded.
You should be able to get under 10 minute miles pretty quickly, as in the first two weeks. Try and get a duration goal like MT suggested. 45 minutes on short days and 60 minutes on long days, or something similar, and then, once you get the duration up, increase the speed so the intensity is more difficult.

Today was nasty outside running, with the black ice on the sidewalks and roads.
Moosie said:
What do you run in 30 mins Mt ?

I don't know, don't run much any more. Probably pretty slow. However yesterday afternoon I got on the treadmill at the gym and did 1 mile at 15% incline at 17 min pace and then ran the second mile at 8 min/mile. However, I had just done 14.6 miles on the bike and a good chest workout and had done 20 min on the stairstepper maxed that morning. I should reward myself with a beer.:D

Pussed out this afternoon (went hunting instead), but did 20 on the stairstep in the morning.

Hunting blew, so I will double up tomorrow.:D I would like to be sub-160 in the near future.

Keep up the good work Oscar.
Oh, and if Sunday is too much for you, take it off and enjoy a chocolate shake.
i run a mile just less than 7 mins, but i agree you shouldn't go by miles. 15 mins a mile is like walking it. I think you are FAKE JOGGIN' Thats what the fat kids in high school did to get the teacher to stop yelling at them.

Ah the pack test.....I love it. I think everyone should do a pack test every year...you know; just for the laughs....
YAh, 15 min Mile is a Fast walk. It's 4 MPH. At around 3.9 MPH I break from a Walk to a trot jog. or what you call a FAKE JOGGIN' !!

For Chits and Giggles I went back to the Gym after I posted this. I went 25 mins and 2.4 miles. Thats 10.4 Min Mile. The treadmill I used there even though I say I want to go 6 MPH starts you at 2 MPH for the First Min, 3.5 for the 2nd then jumps you up. So I lost 2 mins warming up. Went 10 MPH for almost a Min then figured I wanted my Lungs so I dropped it back down. It about averaged out.

I'm With Jose that a 10 Min mile average by Next week Should be do~able. It doesn't take me long to be in shape. But even if I did the 15 min. mile "walk" every day.... It beats sitting infront of the Computer all evening ;)

Ovis, I'm off the Choco Shakes for this month. I'll tap back into them soon though ...... *Drooling*

I'll have to Look into the "PACK TEST". Hell, With the dozen or so Packs I have one should get me through it :p

Wyo, you say you run the Mile in 7 Mins. How long can you keep that pace ? Thats a 8.6 MPH pace. I'm Guessing I could do almost that (For just 1 mile grant you) and I'm out a shape. What can you do in 30 mins ?

......I'm Waiting for that dang Cougar hunter to Chime in. I don't remember his race time but it wasn't shabby if I remember right.

Thanx for the Info guys. Anyone else ?
I've got to run 1.5 miles next week in 17 minutes and some seconds for a job thing. I'll let you know my time when I get back. Training has consisted on Nordic Tracking (don't laugh) daily for about 2-3 weeks. I'm getting about 3km in 16 minutes on it right now. I'm not too worried about the run to say the least.
Crap.. you threw out the "KM" card !!!!!! Those dam Tread mills had a 5 KM and a 10 KM trac run. Hell, I only know Miles and minutes :p

Let me know how you fair, I'm not a Fan of he Nortic Track but do Like the Elliptical machines. Stair Steppers are good too. Right now I want to stay away from the Gyms so my only Access is brave the cold (And I'm a Wussy wuss !!!!) or run a Tread mill. I'll stick to the latter for this month.

Well It's late so I'm gunna Nap so I can Get up and Run....... Or I'll sleep in, that sounds better right now :D :D
C'mon, didn't you live in Europe? You've got to know what a km is. You should be bitching about our system here! ;)
Actually, truth be told. Our System Sucks. I do know what a KM is, a meter and a CM. I used a DL for Volume in switzerland and KG on the scale....doing Metric Math is leages better then the SI system. Around 8 years ago maybe more, ITD (Idaho transportation Dept.) went to the Metric system. Changed all the Standards, made us do Right of Ways in Dual units for plans and legal description. Certain things we did the HArd Conversion others the Soft. It all Sucked. It wasn't 5-6 years after all the Cadd guys figured out how to use it they Scratched the whole program. They were even using Dual Speed limit signs.

I would scratch the US system and let people figure it out..... But us Americans are lazy, stuborn and clueless !!! Hell, just read alot of posts here and that is hard to hide :p

So yah, you're right, Our system Sucks, but I'm never going to switch as long as I live here... I'm jsut going to Bitch, be lazy and Complain about KM's :D hump :D
I started a new diet and excercise programm a couple weeks ago.I told my wife I wanted to get in better shape and she is holding me to it.I am spending 40 minutes a day on the treadmill,5 minute warm-up and cool down,30 at about a 10 minute mile pace.The first couple days I thought she was trying to kill me,but it's already getting easy.
I agree with Miller, starting out, go for 20-30 minutes at a time and don't worry about how far you are going, just get a sweat going and do it 3 or more times a week. Don't do it for "just a month". Stick with something you can do long-term.

I don't run at all, but i keep really active with a bunch of different things. Most people that drink as much beer and whiskey as me, would be really fat pigs. :D

It's funny you are thinking of running, I'm actually starting running too. On New Years Day, all my family left and my ex snagged the kids so I was really depressed and I decided to go for a run to relieve some stress. I did 8 miles (a little more I think) in 65 minutes. It was a snowpacked trail and uphill to the top, then downhill out. I ran to the top in 26 minutes and thought I was going to really be cruising for a good time, but legs turned to lead and the downhill on the way out was a lot slower. It was the first time I've run since last summer. I did half the ridge run with a friend who was training for it. Anyhow, that New Years Day run got me motivated to give some trail running a try and to tackle that local ridge run race again.

I'm hoping to do a long run once a week, tomorrow maybe pulling my kids in a sled. My goal is to make the pace under 13 minutes/mile for 20 miles on the ridge in August. I only ran one time in preparation for it last time, but I was 5 years younger and in pretty good shape at the time. I want to cut 30 minutes off my last time and not get beat by any girls (lofty goal).

This is a Good Run
I love this post.

Now we know the secret that makes greenhorn "THE MACHINE". Now i know how he stays in shape, just gotta watch for the post where he gives out his hunting secrets ;).

I dont' know how long I can keep it, but i've done a few 3-4 miles runs and been ok.
When I first start out running, I start from the house and end in the middle of town, which is about 2 miles one way and will continue to do this until I am in running shape, which usually takes about a week or 2, running every morning before work. Once the weather warms up and the snow melts I start doing hills and graduate to very steep long hillside trails. Once i'm in shape for that I add a pack with 20 lbs and increase the weight as needed. By the time sheep season rolls around I can handle a 60 lb pack pretty easily for a nice long hike into the hunting area where I set up my sike camp. Losing this holiday/winter weight is a hard thing to get started on when you get my age but the benefits of training are tremendous, and not just for hunting either.........hump
Good post! I started two weeks ago on the eliptic machine... 30-40 minutes every day. I am hoping to just up to an hour a day.
Oscar, you may want to incorporate some wind sprints into you cardio eventually. They are arse kickers and really help build lung capacity..
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