Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

What would you do?

Well...WH keeps our guns locked up, but I would have surely slowly cut off his Dick and then killed )#$(*))@ on the spot a SLOW SLOW death, I would also give myself some marks and claimed it was self defense. I would not spend the rest of the days in prision with out my child!
Everyone has some Great Idea's... "IF" anyone of us were able to remain Calm, while dealing with this situation... It would be great to go Hannibal Lecter on his ass, and Harvest his organs... start small... Eyeballs,Tongue,, kidneys, lungs,heart... then Liver and FAVA Beans.
Truthfully I do not know what would happen. I would like to think that the safety of the child would be first in my mind.

Oh I would defiantely attack the intruder without any regard to my safety. On that there is no doubt.