Yeti GOBOX Collection

What is the dumbest thing that someone has ever asked/said while you were hunting?


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
When I was guiding elk hunters in CO, I was sitting on a county road watching a bull deep on private. I was glued to my spotter as a Jeep with Georgia plates drove by. A few minuets later it came back and pulled up next to me. A middle aged man was in the drivers seat and he was practicly vibrating with excitement and asked me with all serousness,"Is that a pack of wolves over there?" I looked over at the pasture he was pointing to and about a mile away there was a small heard of antelope milling around. "Nope, those are antelope." He asked to use my spotter to look at them to "make sure". I let him look and sure enough, it was a herd of antelope. He gave me a blank look and went back to his Jeep and took off. He seemed to be in a hurry...
What clueless people have you run into?
Last year I was putting a stalk on a pile of mulies with my partner out in the scablands of Washington. We snuck around and over a plateau. We had snuck about a mile and there’s a guy standing in the middle of a valley in the wide open. His rifle is on a small boulder and he has crap strewn everywhere. He’s walking around looking through his old Tasco binos. We snuck around to him, and he instantly asks, “You see anything?” Of course I gave a confident nope. He said he’d been in the draw since 8 and hadn’t seen a thing.

My buddy and I snuck back into the ravine where there was a herd against the cliffs. We watched him saunter off through the valley whistling away.

Needless to say we killed 2 bucks that day, and he had no clue. He especially doesn’t understand that there are 3 things a man never shares; wood cutting spot, hunting spot and his wife.
Talked to a guy in east Idaho once that was glassing up a large band (200+)of domestic sheep and was convinced they were mule deer. He really didn’t want to believe me when I told him what they were. He also had printed out pictures sitting on his truck seat of all the animals he had tags for.
A buddy and I were out Fairy lake possibly opening day. For any that don't know, the road to Fairy Lake is probably 20 minutes out of Bozeman and from there its 9 miles of rough road to the top. At the time there was a boulder in the middle of the road 3/4 up that was polished from all the cars with not enough clearance to get over it. It's been removed now. From the campground you can hike to the top of the Bridgers. People frequently see goats up there in the summer hiking. It's high.

It was early in the season if not opening day. Big mistake by the way. This was between 15/20 years ago so before Bozeman became as crazy with hikers like today. We got there and started walking around and had to contend with people walking dogs. Whistling for dogs. And the like. So we gave up on that place and drove out.

After we crossed the cattle guard leaving, we see grizzly tracks crossing the road. Fairly fresh as they haven't been driven over. So we're out looking and this family from Colorado pulls up on their way to go snowshoe at the lake. They stop when they see us looking around and get out and look too. The maybe 14 year old son decides he wants to follow the tracks into the timber. Mom exclaims for him not to go and that if he's going to follow the tracks he'd at least need something like that, and points to what's hanging from my belt. You night be thinking ..44 mag. You know, hand gun for bear protection. The like. Or maybe spray. Nope. It's my Jim Zumbo/RMEF knife I bought from Bob Wards as probably my first ever hunting purchase, that fall, that was on my own and my parents didn't buy for me. 5 or 6 inch fix blade knife with a gut hook and saw blade on the back side. Super handy to take on a bear if you didn't already know.

We chuckled as young men tend to do and said no. That's not enough.
"wow the topo map really doesn't do this hill justice". Maybe said by me. Maybe by my hunting partner.

"Did you shoot that?" some hunter on public land in Missouri as I was standing over a damn near 300 pound 10 pointer about to field dress it. "no actually I gave him a force choke". was my reply.
Talked to a guy in east Idaho once that was glassing up a large band (200+)of domestic sheep and was convinced they were mule deer. He really didn’t want to believe me when I told him what they were. He also had printed out pictures sitting on his truck seat of all the animals he had tags for.

Well I will say that it’s great he was trying to be informed. The game check stations around Anaconda had crazy stories back in the day. I’d always ask and they would be jacked to share stories of cattle and even a mule coming through. The mule was mistaken for a moose!!!
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