What is the dumbest thing that someone has ever asked/said while you were hunting?

"Did you catch one?" :LOL:

But really... I was whitetail hunting a river bottom and while walking back I ran into a guy who asked if there were "any oak trees around here". Practically every tree within eyeshot was an oak and the dude was literally standing on acorns. :unsure:
Can I borrow some bullets , I left mine @ home in Texas?
” sure but how will your 7mm handle these .300 WM ?”
oh I didn’t think about that! You should shoot a 7mm :)

I’ve had a very similar question…
Got that a few times last year. After an awkward conversation and a good luck you leave knowing good and well you just lied to each other.
I always chuckle at the interactions we, as hunters have with each other. We both know damn well that neither of us is going to tell the other $#it but we still ask. 😂 I do it too.
My wife doesn’t get it. She always asks “why bother talking if you’re just going to lie to each other?” I’m like, I don’t know why, we just have to
Well I will say that it’s great he was trying to be informed. The game check stations around Anaconda had crazy stories back in the day. I’d always ask and they would be jacked to share stories of cattle and even a mule coming through. The mule was mistaken for a moose!!!
My neighbor had a Holstein heifer shot on the first day of deer season here many years ago. Not sure how you mistake a 600lb black and white cow for a whitetail but someone did.
Not really dumb but it was entertaining.
Three friends and I were at the airport check-in line with our bow cases. We were going to Maui and the lady behind us says "You guys must be musicians, what type of instruments are those ?
To which I replied "Stringed instruments "
Her husband chuckled and said "I know what those are"
"wow the topo map really doesn't do this hill justice". Maybe said by me. Maybe by my hunting partner.

"Did you shoot that?" some hunter on public land in Missouri as I was standing over a damn near 300 pound 10 pointer about to field dress it. "no actually I gave him a force choke". was my reply.
Here's your sign.
I would kill for a transcript of ol' Rusty's dialogue during this incident, it would be a strong contender.


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