What happened to the political joke thread?

Missed the closing. Best guest is that nothing happened but the Boss gave up on it.

It did raise tensions, but in a fun way. He usually tells us and I hope that I did not screw up.
Some people started getting personal and posting too many narrative type posts rather than cartoons is my guess. Also, there were several pages of "cartoons" that we basically just personal opinions laid over a random image. Kinda of obeying the rule of the law but not the spirit. It's too bad, I (usually) enjoyed that thread lol.
I must have one of those archaic graphical user interfaces...it simply will not choose topics and make me read them. There's nothing worse than a bossy mouse. I'm dead ass serious. ;)
It had a good run. If there was a forum thread hall of fame it would be a first ballot selection...not based on content of course but on longevity. Haha
Not gonna lie I'll miss it a little.
I miss it already, it was the first thread I went to on HT each day.

I think some people take things too seriously though and get offended and thus get personal.

On that subject, as far as I can tell there must be sites that a few guys frequent that do nothing other than make cartoons for people who want to parrot a certain belief. I wish it would've stayed with clever posts rather than anything anybody could find to further their agenda.

Too bad it's gone, back to hunting!
Me too! It’s been a habit every night for the last year. I might have to get something done in the shop or practice with the bow!
On that subject, as far as I can tell there must be sites that a few guys frequent that do nothing other than make cartoons for people who want to parrot a certain belief. I wish it would've stayed with clever posts rather than anything anybody could find to further their agenda.

This right here is my problem with it. Political cartoons used to be witty and sharp. Through the artwork they used to draw analogies you may not of thought of yourself. Nowadays they're just as lazy as debate has become. Folks looking to score points cheap. Not worth looking at because they don't actually challenge anyone, they only anger the other side and ensure the audience knows where the author stands, which is of course the true purpose of the cartoon.
Generally, beating a dead pony about a locked or removed thread will result in a locked or removed thread.
As strange as this may sound, I had never looked at that thread until the other day; I don't have time to look at the "Jokes" forum. When I saw the tone and political undercurrents that seemed to spill over to other threads between people with differing perspectives, I closed it. Some of the content, though thinly disguised as political cartoons, was not messages or statements I allow on the forum.

If you have a Facebook page, or other social media outlet, take it there and invite the same people to join in on your platform.
Liked the thread and thought we did a good job of policing ourselves. Some didn't get it at first but usually got it and knocked off the commentary. I hate to see it go, it was definitely one of a kind.
RIP Politics thread. I read all the posts and had many a good LOL

If I'm going to talk non-hunting topics, I'd rather do it with the HT community rather than on FB or other. However, Big Fin says this is a hunting forum and threads/posts should be hunting-related.

I'll take a well-moderated forum (this one) over one that isn't any day of the week. Thanks @Big Fin for running such a great forum

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