Caribou Gear

What a day!!!!


New member
Dec 15, 2003
Silver City, NM
We started out to take the kids out to do some sledding. After some sledding they decided they were cold and wanted to warm up. While they warmed up we took a ride to one of the local deer hangouts. We started seeing deer right away. About 5 minutes in we noticed a coyote running across the road. Then we saw one of the coolest things I have ever seen in the wild. The coyote that had crossed the road was actually chasing a heard of deer. I picked up the video camera and started filming the action. The coyote proceeded to chase a yearling doe until he culled her from the heard. After a 400-500 yard chase the coyote took her down. We drove down to get a closer look. The coyote let her up just as we pulled up. She trotted off seeming none the worse for wear, and the coyote left seeming a little pissed off that we had interrupted his meal. Thinking that the fiasco was over we went and played in the snow some more. The kids finally froze out so we headed home. On the way out my wife said “there’s that coyote again and he’s eating something”. Upon further investigation we found out he had come back and ended up getting that yearling doe after all. After he got his fill we watched him clean his face in the fresh snow and take off. The best part was my kids got to see it all happen live and in person. Now they can say they have seen something that most people only get to see on some TV show. The second best thing was I got it on video, how cool is that?
That sounds cool, you have a capture card to where you can put some footage online? we got the space if you can get us the vid.
Unfortunately I dont have a capture card, but would be willing to send someone the footage if they could put it on here. I am also open to any suggestions for programs that will allow me to transfer the footage on my computer. Any ideas?? I am going to look tomorrow for some kind of program.
That would have been so cool to watch!!!
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