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What a Better Than Great Day Looks Like!

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
I took my youngest daugther fishing today on the Mighty Missouri, and the river was kind to us. It was a day that was better than, as good as it gets, and better than great!

Here's my daughter with one of the biggest trout she's ever caught.

With another...

She didn't quite outfish her old man, but she did do well. I was fortunate to land a few as well.

This one tied the score of 2 each.

Finished strong and broke the tie breaker with this very nice rainbow. The rainbows are spawing right now and their colors are just absolutely something else.
Sometimes I wonder why I subject myself to the jealousy your threads cause me. Seriously, that does look like a perfect day; fishing with your kid, great weather and some awesome trout. If that's only 'one' of the biggest trout she's caught, just how big is her biggest trout? Do you guys in Montana have room for another outsider to move-in?:eek: Congrats!
Thanks guys it was a really fun day. As nice as these trout are/were we saw some trout that would make your head spin. They are spawing in the shallows right now and we were sight fishing. All but one of the fish we caught were males. There were some big old old monster hen's on those beds that we just couldn't get to bite. I had one giant one come after my lure but a male snatched it away just before she hit. I never could get her to pay attention to anything I threw at her after that. If I can find the time I'd really like to get back down there and give it another whirl before the fish move out of the there.
Nice fish! Man your kids are growing up. She looks just like her Mom. Looks like a great day.
Awesome post, thanks for making us jealous.

My son and I were doing some river fishing too with skeet20 ......
not the same
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