Caribou Gear

Well There Goes Idaho

I hate California and Californians, they complain about their state and all of it’s problems. Then they leave California and turn the place they go to into another California. Only took them 30 years to ruin Colorado. They will ruin the entire west in the next 100. Luckily I won’t be alive to see them complete this.
Think they found Colorado more to their liking... and unfortunately additions to the Zoo and Boz...
I hate California and Californians, they complain about their state and all of it’s problems. Then they leave California and turn the place they go to into another California. Only took them 30 years to ruin Colorado. They will ruin the entire west in the next 100. Luckily I won’t be alive to see them complete this.

You should start picketing the tech community in Boise for creating jobs that draw in folks from CA.

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I hate California and Californians, they complain about their state and all of it’s problems. Then they leave California and turn the place they go to into another California. Only took them 30 years to ruin Colorado. They will ruin the entire west in the next 100. Luckily I won’t be alive to see them complete this.

Pretty broad statement, don't you think?
I don't think that anybody would have a problem with Kalifornicators, if they would leave their garbage in Kalifornia. They have ruined their own state, with their liberal voting and when they move to another state, they ruin it to. It seems they never learn. Like Mt. Muley said, it is not just Kalifornicators. Other people pull the same crap.
As to Boise, they have created a lot of tech jobs and they are booming right now. Luckily, my kid found a little apartment, when he went to work out there fighting fires. There is nowhere to live now. He told me that since the big fires in Kalifornia, people have left like lemmings to the sea.
I hate California and Californians, they complain about their state and all of it’s problems. Then they leave California and turn the place they go to into another California. Only took them 30 years to ruin Colorado. They will ruin the entire west in the next 100. Luckily I won’t be alive to see them complete this.

Seems to be a constant thought process of many people for sure... Only, I try very hard not to hate anyone. I hate their actions.
Don’t worry Idaho, 4 of my buddy’s have moved there from Ca and I’m next here shortly. We are the ones you want as neighbors, what you need to do is stop building cookie cutter subdivisions for all the old crazy cat ladies and tech people. Then outlaw skinny jeans and hipster mustaches? Might be a stretch... and I agree with above, it ain’t just Californians ruining the west. It’s people in general moving from their urban ways to rural communities and wanting the same luxuries on every corner as back home.
Gotcha... so if I am fed up with living in California, I should suck it up and stay.

Fun fact of the day: California is the state with the most people named Bob... @WapitiBob is there something you're not telling us?! 😂

There are some pretty good people from Cali that have moved here but I’ve dealt with some real turds; everything was better where they came from, on and on.
I've encountered many more immigrants to CO from the Midwest, than from CA. Lots of Texans also. I've only kept track for 50 years, though. CO Springs has the 3rd highest population of veterans of any US city, and is much smaller than the 2 cities w larger Vet populations. Vets who served here, are drawn to retire or live/work after discharge here.

There are all kinds of reasons why people immigrate. We have a huge population. As it grows exponentially, people go where they can have a better life by making more $, Okies to CA during the Dust Bowl. The financial/gov't brain trust of your town recruits and welcomes immigrant people and business. These Chamber of Commerce boosters have one catchphrase: Growth. Turns out that growth is a Ponzi scheme benefitting the developer, the banker, the politician. Read John Nichols' Milagro Beanfield War, or even better, The Magic Journey. Read it w an indigenous person, to whom you and your ilk are immigrants uprooting the wonderful place this used to be. When that land of milk and honey gets too full, the ones who can afford to, leave for a better place. Once they have their nest egg, they can move for quality of life. So if you live somewhere w an attractive quality of life because it is small and outdoorsy, there is an immigration target on you. Jackson & Cody WY, Montrose & Durango CO, Flagstaff AZ, Reno NV, Bend OR, Taos &, Santa Fe NM, Spokane WA. Now ID and MT, it is your turn, and it comes as no surprise. Figure out where this wave is going next, get there early. Enjoy the financial success roundly available as the new place catches on and takes off. Then it is time to start looking for the next last great place. Abbey wrote, Growth for growth's sake is the ideology of the cancer cell. Word to your Chambers of Commerce.

Pumping the brakes on growth in favor of preserving quality of life and the natural world is not on the platform of any Republican committee, state or national. Many Democrats aren't fully invested in having growth pay for its impacts, either. When the West was an infinite garden of Eden, so underutilized by indigenous tribes that they didn't deserve to keep it, unencumbered growth was the tool and mindset Americans embraced. Early on there were signs the great infinite, wasn't. Read Stegner's Beyond the 100th Meridian, about the inconvenient drought realities of the West. Climate Deniers abounded, even then. They broadly promised rain would follow the plow, meaning a magical weather phenomenon would increase rain as soon as the native prairie grass was cut by the plow. Government homesteading programs guaranteed it.
I've encountered many more immigrants to CO from the Midwest, than from CA. Lots of Texans also. I've only kept track for 50 years, though. CO Springs has the 3rd highest population of veterans of any US city, and is much smaller than the 2 cities w larger Vet populations. Vets who served here, are drawn to retire or live/work after discharge here.

There are all kinds of reasons why people immigrate. We have a huge population. As it grows exponentially, people go where they can have a better life by making more $, Okies to CA during the Dust Bowl. The financial/gov't brain trust of your town recruits and welcomes immigrant people and business. These Chamber of Commerce boosters have one catchphrase: Growth. Turns out that growth is a Ponzi scheme benefitting the developer, the banker, the politician. Read John Nichols' Milagro Beanfield War, or even better, The Magic Journey. Read it w an indigenous person, to whom you and your ilk are immigrants uprooting the wonderful place this used to be. When that land of milk and honey gets too full, the ones who can afford to, leave for a better place. Once they have their nest egg, they can move for quality of life. So if you live somewhere w an attractive quality of life because it is small and outdoorsy, there is an immigration target on you. Jackson & Cody WY, Montrose & Durango CO, Flagstaff AZ, Reno NV, Bend OR, Taos &, Santa Fe NM, Spokane WA. Now ID and MT, it is your turn, and it comes as no surprise. Figure out where this wave is going next, get there early. Enjoy the financial success roundly available as the new place catches on and takes off. Then it is time to start looking for the next last great place. Abbey wrote, Growth for growth's sake is the ideology of the cancer cell. Word to your Chambers of Commerce.

Pumping the brakes on growth in favor of preserving quality of life and the natural world is not on the platform of any Republican committee, state or national. Many Democrats aren't fully invested in having growth pay for its impacts, either. When the West was an infinite garden of Eden, so underutilized by indigenous tribes that they didn't deserve to keep it, unencumbered growth was the tool and mindset Americans embraced. Early on there were signs the great infinite, wasn't. Read Stegner's Beyond the 100th Meridian, about the inconvenient drought realities of the West. Climate Deniers abounded, even then. They broadly promised rain would follow the plow, meaning a magical weather phenomenon would increase rain as soon as the native prairie grass was cut by the plow. Government homesteading programs guaranteed it.

Well said duds...everyone with a full sock wants to move to Chamisaville.
Or "MT residents" cooing in the *root of "migration" ... into Next Perce land.
But hey, we're Montana "Natives", right?
That Damn Huey Lewis and his plight to change river access
That Damn David Lipson attempt to trademark "The Last Best Place" Paws Up Ranch
No worries, we have our HT hypocrites that play righteous, "how dare you critique "immigrants" " blah, blah, blah until faced with frequent posts about The Texas Koch brothers plight to influence MT politics.

The issue results from people of 3x's + property value & income moving into communities unprepared, turned upside down by the influx of $$$. Add political crap dragged from their "escape from" NY, CA, or "X"...
Demand the once casual community conform to the outside politics of their soiled laundry escape and it creates a feud and the generalities formed.

On and on...

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