We'll miss you Hankerdoo!


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
We found Hank at our local shelter on Black Friday of 2013. I can remember this day especially vividly as we were about to make a terrible mistake after months of failed watching for a dog and take home a cat. It is always a risk with a shelter dog, but Hank was simply amazing. Despite being 5+ years old when we got him, he always wanted to learn new tricks. With little training, he knew how to find birds and at the same time we were able to train him to behave while big game hunting. The crowning moment was archery shooting a cow elk at 15 yards with him lying next to me, but if you've watched my journals over the years, you know he was with us on most of our big game hunts.

We knew it was only a matter of time. Hank had started to develop a slight cough, so back in February we took him in for a checkup. Things were much worse than we expected, as the diagnosis was severe lung cancer. The vet gave him maybe two months to live. He stayed with us with no change for three months, but things shifted quickly in mid-May, and we had to take him in for his last vet appointment.

Today, I raise one for all the good dogs!


Cheers to your toast. Great means for remembrance to all who's lost four legged family members.

Sorry for your loss.
Sorry you had to let him go, even when you know it is what he needs and expects from you. I'll join you in raising a glass to Nugget who died too young, Bell who loved swimming more than breathing, Fred the killing machine, Bella the gunshy alpha bitch, and Rufus, our senior citizen rescue. I'll see you all on the other side. That will be my Paradise.
You guys gave him an amazing life. He gave you his all. No better friendship exists than that.

Sorry for your loss.
I know the feeling all to well. Especially when you mentioned the last trip to the vet.
Sorry for your loss.
Salute to a life well lived, and a big “good on ya” Vanish and FireTiger for rescuing him and teaching him your ways (as he was teaching you his ways!)
All dogs go to heaven,you’ll see yours and I’ll see mine. So sorry for your loss,but I’m sure you made his life a little better as I’m sure he made yours a little better.
All dogs go to heaven,you’ll see yours and I’ll see mine. So sorry for your loss,but I’m sure you made his life a little better as I’m sure he made yours a little better.
Amen Brother, the Lord has a special place in His heart and in his new creation for our four legged friends such as dogs, horses. Hank will hunt again. Really sorry for your loss Vanish.