PEAX Equipment

Weight Saving Tips

My biggest weight savings recently has been switching from tent to tarp. Ditching some mid layers and reducing my surplus food has also helped, but I find those to be a little dicier to leave out.
I work for Seek Outside, and was part of the original pack design team when we launched our packs in 2012. I've been in this space a long time now.

All of our packs are sub 5 lbs and several sub 4 lbs. We have a big presence on Kodiak as well as packs across Alaska tagging along on sheep, goat, and moose hunts.

I don't bicker or argue much, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Can you recommend a Seek Outside pack for hauling big, heavy loads...primarily moose quarters, and a 10-day solo sheep hunt.
Hey guys just a Fyi on the electrical tape for wounds I carry a small thing of crazy glue just for this use almost no weight and works great
sealed up a nice gash on my right thigh and I just kept on going
I carry too much to include my drone and spare batteries. Too much weight and a pack sled that offsets packing out game meat... Actually, I've used my packable sled to pack out my gear when I sprained/tore my meniscus... was only a mile away from my truck at that point though got me back. Pack sleds are a must for my treks.

I've packed lite on a few occasions though found I like my toys, fishing equip, tent r&r, etc.
I carry too much to include my drone and spare batteries. Too much weight and a pack sled that offsets packing out game meat... Actually, I've used my packable sled to pack out my gear when I sprained/tore my meniscus... was only a mile away from my truck at that point though got me back. Pack sleds are a must for my treks.

I've packed lite on a few occasions though found I like my toys, fishing equip, tent r&r, etc.
What are you packing a drone for?
Comment related to weight. Don't want to derail a thread on weight packing tips.
My pack sled offsets my desire for reduce creature comforts. It's my way of circumventing earlier desires to pack as light as possible.
Kinda a have my cake and eat it too.

If you're interested in the new MT fwp reg for use of drones day before a hunt of an area, check it out. Primarily for use capturing video and photos of fishing, scenery, etc. Feel free to chat pm or start a thread on it.
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