Washington late season mule deer hunt

Brock A

Sep 6, 2015
Washington State
My hunting partner Travis and I were able to sneak out for a few days this past Thanksgiving for some late season action. Hunting was tough with the lack of good bucks and wayyyyy too many people. But we still had a great time. Anyway, I put together a video.


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seems like those few units open for the late archery just get more and more crowded every year.
seems like those few units open for the late archery just get more and more crowded every year.

Yep. It really bottle necks the hunters. Id like to see that hunt go to a draw. Make it a 100% draw but if you purchase the tag, thats the only tag you can hunt. I would like to see the same happen with the high hunt. It would relieve pressure in the high country, general seasons & the late seasons IMO
I think the high hunt is easier to avoid other hunters. There's just way more acreage to roam. Your proposed draw tag would require a fundamental change in how WA does specials, a change which isn't likely to happen. IMO the deer hunts are still in way better shape than our east side elk hunts. Those need to all go draw real bad.
ALL mule deer hunts in WA need to be draw only! not enough habitat and way to many hunters. Look at other western states who have a fraction of the human population compared to us and 10X the deer and habitat and they are still all draw! makes no sense how WA is free for all on mule deer.
ALL mule deer hunts in WA need to be draw only! not enough habitat and way to many hunters. Look at other western states who have a fraction of the human population compared to us and 10X the deer and habitat and they are still all draw! makes no sense how WA is free for all on mule deer.

WA has some boomer deer and some HORRIFIC management. I guess it's not really management if you just go OTC in most of the state and let people have at 'em for a week. You'd see a lot of great deer come out of WA if they managed their herds just a little bit.
They'd need to get back some general funding from the State Legislature so that they didn't have to rely to heavily on license sales before we see any changes. I quit hassling WDFW on the issue and have been pressing my state Representative and senators to give them a share of the general fund.
The out of state revenue is minimal for them too since there really isn't much reason for out of state hunters to apply for anything other than sheep.

Good luck getting general funding for wildlife from the communists. So sad b/c there is some awesome country there
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