PEAX Equipment

Washington Bull


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Lynnwood, WA.
After waiting six years for his 'any bull' tag and being in a chair for 30 years, my uncle finally got his bull. He killed some good deer and elk before his accident when he was 21, but this is his first big bull since. He was pretty excited as where all of us. With the help of his huntin' buddies he was able to get some pretty good field photos too, but they weren't with a digital. Oh well, still gotta like to these ones. Pretty dang nice Elk for Washington.


Way to throw down on a nice bull. Now the only thing I see missing is a story. If I were you I'd get busy typing before the animals on this site accuse you of picking up a road kill.
Great elk! thanks for telling us about it...I can only amagine the effort behind that trophy. Good Job to your uncle.
Thanks for all the congrats's been two weeks and he's still on cloud nine. Any time you kill a nice bull elk it envolves a little luck....but not many people spend more time in the outdoors than my uncle. The guy is always doing something and he worked as hard and long as any to get this bull and nobody deserved more. Thanks again fellas.