Wall Tent and Cylinder Stove for sale


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2009
Upper Michigan
Simplifying my life and looking to gain some space in my shop.

This is the basic tent that I have in 10x12:


This is the cylinder stove that I have which I will include:


The stove was used for two weeks in Idaho in 2007, the tent was not used as it replaced a tent that we bought from Reliable for that trip but was imported from Pakistan and I wasn't satisfied with it. I stopped at their shop in Billings and they refunded my purchase price and offered to build me the same tent in their shop in Billings 100% USA Made. They even customized it with additional windows.

I took them up on it and it is still in the original shipping box. I have never even taken it out of the box as I had a major heart surgery the next year and then have been lucky enough to be western hunting with Big Fin since so I haven't had an opportunity to use it.

Looking to get $950 for the package plus shipping, but will be driving from Upper Michigan on the 24th to attend the BHA Rendezvous in Missoula so can deliver it anywhere within a reasonable distance on my route.

Feel free to pm me with any questions that you have.