WA Whitetail - Late Season Rifle


New member
Dec 12, 2008
Bothell, WA
I just found this site; been using "other" sites but really like this one. So....I thought my first post would be of the whitetail I took in Novemeber in SE WA State (doesn't seem to be much WA representation).

I only had 6 days to hunt and tried to time it with the rut. Unfortuantely where I was hunting, the weather was unseasonably warm (50-60 F) and the rut was not happening. I had seen a few bucks, but nothing I wanted after waiting 5 years to draw this tag. On my last day of hunting, I woke up to 25 degrees and clear weather. Bucks were running everywhere and chasing does. I finally found one worth going after at 1pm. After 90 minutes of stalking, I got to within 240 yards. He was making a scrape when I touched off the 7mm (150 gr Winchester SilverTip). He ran 30 yards and piled up. He's definetely not a whopper, but given the weather conditions, I'll take 'em.
That's a great lookin' buck! Your right about not having much WA. representation....good to have another one on here. How'd the rest of your season go?
That's a great lookin' buck! Your right about not having much WA. representation....good to have another one on here. How'd the rest of your season go?

Well, I guide for an outfit up in Omak during the general rifle season, so it's nice when I can get out on my own. I used to spend much of the winter waterfowl hunting, but for the last few years, I've been predator hunting quite a bit. I've been gunning for a nice bobcat in Arlington on a friend's place, but have yet to connect. However, I've had a great season on yotes.
Here's one of the pics from a shoot I had not long ago; killed 3 yotes in 5 minutes of calling with my foxpro (doe distress).

How was your season?
Wow....that's a good group of Coyotes! Wouldn't mind poppin' a little Bobcat myself. If you end up gettin' him you'll have to throw a pic up on here.
Wish our coyotes looked like that here, the fur buyer would be a lot more friendly with his ink pen.Nice looking coyotes.
Fetchitup..... Not only did you find the Best hunting Site on the net..... You ... UHhhhh... found the best hunting site on the net. We ain't really poetic but we do appreciate someone that loves to hunt. Nice Buck !!! Great Yotes !!

Glad you're aboard... can you lend me some Facial hair ? I sure lack in that department... And you seem to have enough to share :D :D


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