Vortex Viper vs talon


New member
Mar 26, 2017
Appleton, Wisconsin
Been lurking for a while, but first time poster. Buying my first pair of non-cheapo binos. Have been looking at the vortex viper hd 10x50's for about $550, but scheel's has the talon 10x42's on sale for $299. What would you do?

Thanks up front for the opinions of more seasoned bino users.
I would call Predator and see what Pat could do for you on a pair of Leupold HD's. mtmuley
Don't go vortex binos. If you do only look at the new model razors.

Look for a clean used pair of Swarovski slc 10x42, meopta meostar hd (cabelas Euro had), or some leupold gold rings. Trust me. Sell whatever you have to in order to get good glass. Finding critters you might otherwise would not have seen is one thing, but eye fatigue and strain is another.

Every time in the field when I hand my Binos to someone who thought theirs were "good enough" say "holy $hit". Can you really put a price tag on "holy $hit"?
I have a talon HD 8x32 and I really like them. Are Theby the best glass, no. But they were on sale at a price that I couldn't pass up. If you are in a budget hold out for a sale. You won't be disappointed with vortex. Sure there is better glass, but you can always trade up later.
I like the Vortex scopes but find their binos aren't an equal to the other high end glass out there , but the budget will only handle what it can.
Many can't afford 1000.00 binos and it will cause some limitations.
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