Video of my 2B New Mexico Buck

How long was the shot and where were you aiming as it looks like the shot was in the back of the head or neck? You obviously found the deer, as when I was east of there near the Jicarilla in November of 2011 helping my buddy who drew the tag we didn't see many deer and only a few small bucks. The claim is that it's weather dependent to bring bucks down out of the mountains in Colorado into the unit and when we were there the weather hadn't done it's thing up there to move them south for the winter.
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Topgun 30-06

The shot was 280 yards. I was aiming for the the back right between the shoulders and thats where i hit. I was shooting the Swift Sciroccos and was real happy with the job it did. I was hoping for the weather in Colorado as well but it never came. It was definitely cold 5-10 every morning and the bucks were indeed rutting. I was west of the Jicarilla about 15 miles. Lots of deer just not to many shooters.
I know when I hunted 2B, the same year Randy was there. I don't think that between his group of 3 guys and my group of 2 of us, we saw a total of 170" of horn the entire time. Saw lots of deer, just nothing worth a crap.......I think the good ol days of 2B are over:)

Considering 90% of the guys we saw were gunning down the first forkie that showed face near a road, I can't believe it was ever good;)
Congratulations and thanks for sharing! Gotta love it when all the hard work pays off in the end. The harvest is just icing on the cake. Great looking buck that was well deserved!
Congrats on the buck. Great put together on the video. Look forward to seeing more of your hunts. I've watched a few of your others as well. Keep it up.
Congrats on a nice buck and looks like first season as well. I was lucky to draw that tag with three others in 2009. We had a great time and all filled our tags. Seems like the year we went was the last year the hunting had been decent to good. I noticed in your comments below the video you thought the buck was over 350 lbs. Was that a typo? We killed one during the november hunt that was swelled up and in full rut and had a layer of fat on him that I havent seen on any other deer and I would guess that he was around 270 on the hoof. I could be wrong.

I would of guessed this buck to be around 270-290. Have honestly never seen so much fat on a deer. I was responding to a good friend of mines comment when I said 350. inside joke.
That was a great shot. Nice buck sir.I hunted just north of the Jicarillo in S Co in Novermber. Skunked but interesting hunt. Lots of deer, one smart bruiser.
It sounds like all of us who have been in that unit have pretty much the same opinion and that is that it's gone downhill for some reason the last several years. We actually saw a decent number of deer, but not as many as Casey was seeing and horn wise it was about like critter stated. We were up in the northeast corner and got right up along the border and fairly close to the Jicarilla fence, but just didn't see a shooter in 5 days. The few bucks we saw in trucks were pisscutters and we couldn't believe people were shooting stuff like that in a unit that was touted to be real good. Looking at the video closer and slowing it down, that vapor trail did go right between the shoulders and was pretty cool! That bullet really did a number on him the way he tumbled over backwards! Has anybody hunted to the south of there in unit 2c, as I'm hearing that may be the better unit and they are all basicly resident deer there?
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Congrats Case. Great looking video and a heck of a buck.

Casey spent the previous week helping us out at our NM elk camp. Good asset to the team for sure. Kid has crazy game eyes. He spotted my bull through his binos at a rediculous distance.

Looking forward to seeing the footage from our elk hunt he captured as well.
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