utah starting to hit cc for 2016

Congrats. I'll add that the available balance dropped on my Cabelas card late this afternoon in the amount I expected for a couple of General Deer tags. Still hoping to get dinged for more and I've heard we may know the official results earlier than advertised - I guess we'll see.
No hit so far but with 0 points Im not expecting much. Just hoping to be that guy who draws with 0 points. Like they say, you can't draw unless you apply.
CONGRATS. No need to delay the happy dance. You are chasing elk in UT.

If it is in fact an elk tag, I will be ecstatic. Growing up there and not drawing, then moving away and drawing would be amazing.

Less than 4% draw odds for the Book Cliffs Late Rifle Elk.

I thought a resident buddy and I were a shoe in for general deer tags, but that charge is not there. I was also in a good position to draw a pronghorn tag in the beehive state.

Hopefully, they send out the emails tomorrow.

Either way Utah has taken my money. Something that New Mexico and Arizona would not do.
Card got hit couple days ago as well. $1600 so it looks like I'm heading to Utah with my hunting partner to chase Bulls!!! Can't wait to find out which unit we got.
My Utah points got updated today. Congrats to those who draw and hopefully some more of you will have 0 points in a few categories.

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