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Up and quit

Good luck to you. I left a job 3 months ago to take another one with better benefits plus I work an 8-6 schedule. A week into my new gig my old job calls and wants to know if I am willing to work on my days off for them to help them out. So I work for my old job on my days off when they have mechanic work to do when I want to at least till fall rolls around
Anyone else just up and quit a job on a whim?

I did today. Had enough of the owners dumb f*ck brother thinking he runs the show today and walked off. I'll be doing the same thing for someone else for the same pay next week.
God damn that felt good!
I can’t say it was the right thing to do...
But I’m still getting by...
but if I ever end up making anything of myself I’m telling everyone I was just standing up for myself and it was the best plan ever. 🤷‍♂️
good luck!
Yes once when a boss told me I had no choice and I had to work with a jerk on the job. You always have a choice.
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
I had a job with a better company in 1 day.
Right before I went on active duty I was working a full time job and a little PT job tending bar at a Lone Star Steakhouse on the weekends. Made decent money and it was fun UNTIL they promoted the bar manager to GM at another store and made a PITA female server the new bar manager. From the beginning EVERYTHING was an issue EVERY day.

I was already preparing to give notice about a month and a half before I shipped when she pulled the straw that broke the camel's back. The other bartender I usually worked with was a really nice, single mother who worked a full time office job and NEEDED the extra from bartending. The previous manager was fine with her not being there until 1730 on Fridays (she didn't get off the FT until 1700) even though the night/closing shift was 1700 to close. First week with new manager she gives the girl a written warning for not being there at 1700 (impossible). Second week she said she was taking her off the next weekend as punishment (which on top of hurting her financially meant I would have to work alone all weekend). I tried to advocate on her behalf and the manager was a beeotch to me as well.

Soooo, as the next weekend got closer I got more angry. Friday came and ......nooooo Larry :) Never answered a call or talked to them again. My buddies that still worked there told me what an absolute shiz show it created and that warmed my heart a lil bit.
I blew the whistle on a former supt and then was fired for it. No regrets. I have a thing about park visitor safety (as well as employees). They want to fire me for that then the place isn't worth my time. I'm literally better off down the road. Maybe a bit poorer ... but I stayed alive. I quit my last job when my supervisor insisted on editing my work into nonsense. The gal only had an eighth grade education. Total illiterate!
Anyone else just up and quit a job on a whim?

I did today. Had enough of the owners dumb f*ck brother thinking he runs the show today and walked off. I'll be doing the same thing for someone else for the same pay next week.
God damn that felt good!
Also, don’t forget to make the most of your impromptu week off!