NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Up and quit

On the original topic of quitting a job without notice, if I were being disrespected or taken advantage of, I sure wouldn’t feel bad about leaving immediately.

Thankfully, I have never had that be a factor in any job that I left for other opportunities.
That's because you're so friggin nice :p
Good luck man. I used to be nice and give 2 weeks. Then I realized after a decade plus in my industry that 100% of the time when companies let someone go, regardless of the reason, they give zero notice. I only feel its fair to reciprocate.
Exactly! I had an attorney friend explain to me a long time ago that the whole thing about "2 weeks notice" is a pile of BS. If you don't sign a contract then the employer can let you go at any time and you can leave at any time, it is nothing more than courtesy to give them "2 weeks".

As someone else said previously, you can be dang sure if they want to get rid of you they're going to give you notice that day and you're gone, that's it!