Caribou Gear Tarp

Unpaid Leave for a Hunt


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2015
West of the Rockies
Hey guys!

Question... so we drew a very nice either sex rifle tag this year and i'm taking 2.5 weeks(my entire vacation minus a day leftover) to go out for the opener. If we don't fill all 3 bull tags in those 2 weeks a plan is formulating to going the week of thanksgiving which would require me to ask for 3 days of unpaid leave. I went into our company manual and it says that the principals of the firm have the right to approve leave without pay.

Now the question is has anyone done this? I've never asked for unpaid leave and I feel kind of guilty asking for it, however this summer with people leaving the firm has been the busiest and most stressful time in my entire career.

I have not but would not feel guilty about it. Assuming you have good standing there and have good rapport with your manager/boss, you are certainly early enough to be having the conversation. I would say this is important to you and would like to take that time unpaid.
If the family finances are not stressed, do it.

If your manager cannot do without you, he will tell you.

Get it done on the first hunt. If not, does not hurt to try.

Just that you are so concerned, you will tag opening morning.
The money isn't an issue, and I could actually take work with me get some stuff done on the drive there reviewing submittals or other paperwork...

My pitch to him was going to be along the lines of I will probably never draw this tag again, my dad definitely won't draw it again and this would be our last premium hunt together and I want to make the most out of it. I just don't want to come off as a slacker by asking for the unpaid leave or it reflect poorly on my reputation that i'm looking for additional time off.
Pretty sure the ethos of this forum is hunt while you can, damn the consequences. I may be overstating that slightly.
I'd say ask, worst thing they can say is no. It also depends on what type of work you do. If your in a position where the company only makes money when you're working then it's probably gonna be a hard sell. We have contracts like that where we only get paid when employees work and we factory in a finite amount of time off. If you go above that amount of time off, it costs the company more than just your pay. If so, you may ask if you can go into a negative PTO balance so you're borrowing from your future PTO or ask if you can work extra and use that as comp time. Just some ideas.
I don't have to worry. My leave isn't paid anyway. If I were in your shoes and had to make two trips, I'm going. mtmuley
I say go for it and ask for unpaid leave or ask to go negative on PTO - the company I work for let's employees go up to -40 hours in PTO.
Working for other people can provide many things but situations like this highlight the downside of that type of lifestyle and lack of freedom.

In the end the right thing to do might be to have a good talk with your manager or boss. Explain the stress that work has caused the last year and how important these hunting trips are to you. If he is a good guy he will understand and find a way to live without you those 3 days in Nov. If he says no start looking for another job.

When you are old and look back at your life you will regret not hunting a lot more than missing work.
The only thing you might have to concern yourself with, is if you are in a civil service position (or contributing to a pension), the LWOP will result in broken time and can affect when your retirement down the road.
No harm in asking, IMO. Hopefully the boss will understand that relieving some of your stress is good for YOU and for the COMPANY. Let us know how it works out!
My wife took 2 days unpaid leave (she is a 6th grade teacher) as well as all 3 personal days in a row which required her to request from the district superintendent in writing. She was wanting three "asks" which was using the personal time after a holiday (Thanksgiving), all 3 days in a row, plus the 2 days unpaid leave. I had to end up writing the letter to the super because she was too nervous, but he was very accommodating and granted it all. She is an excellent teacher, and he knew she wouldn't ask unless she really wanted it. I say if you are in good standing, go ahead and do it!
Does your boss hunt? or anti hunting?
Do you pull your weight for the company? Or just put in the minimum?
Maybe go the extra yard - or extra hour (s) between now and then.
Before you go on the opener make sure all of your work is caught up.
Don't leave things hanging for others to solve or figure out. That will cost you
a lot in the long term.
Do you, have you, covered for others while they are out?
When you leave, if you are driving, make it clear you can be contacted on the way out.
Just in case something does comes up.
Office politics have a lot to do with all of this.
Last year i took a full week off unpaid. The only crap I got was for not bringing any elk meat to share. When deer season rolled around, I made up for it.

I'm taking a full week off this year as well. I haven't worked for this company for very long but they were more than happy to accommodate me. Current company takes 10 employees on an all expenses paid African hunt every year though.
I took 2 weeks unpaid one year to go play on Colorado. I never regretted it nor did I miss the money. Its was awesome. Killed an elk with my bow too.
I may be coming out of left field, but you mentioned submittals. Guessing you're in the construction industry, either as a project engineer/assistant PM for a construction company or on the dark side (design side.) I say go for it. I've been a superintendent for 15 years, and the 3 days before Thanksgiving are the biggest waste of time. Nothing gets done. Everybody that you needs answers from are on vacation, the guys in the field are all looking forward to the long weekend. Only slower time on the jobsite is the week between Christmas and New Years.

Bag out dude, if your principles don't give you the days, there is all kinds of companies looking for good people.
I get 4 weeks paid. I use up to 10 weeks, though. I go unpaid after day 20. I am in sales so what I go without is my base rather than the bulk of my earnings which is from sales commissions component. I rarely am out of cell phone range though so often do 1-3 hours of work each day am on a hunt or vacation so only a few sales die from me being out where the deer and the buffalo roam.
Having spent a lot of time Europe the one thing that we here in Merica really miss the boat on is actually taking time off. I get 26 days a year on Uncle Sugar and the only thing that stops me from taking it all is the ability of those I want to be with taking the same. Once I came to the realization that my work ethic is above average and that my employers get AT LEAST their monies worth I have never even flinched at taking time. I hope it works out for you.
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