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Unit 73 with 3pts


New member
Nov 27, 2019
I have 3 preference points and will likely be able to make the trip to wyoming for antelope next year. Looking at the draw odds for unit 73 it looks like 100% with the special draw and 3 points with decent access to blm land (unless I'm color blind and looking at the wrong squares). Does this seem likely to hold true for next year as well?

Or is there another unit I should be looking for? Open for suggestions. Planning on camping on BLM. Looking to fill at least a buck tag and maybe a doe or 2 if possible. Im in good shape and dont mind walking. Trophy country/scenery is more important that trophy antelope.

Not looking to be spoon fed info maybe just a suggestion or two.
Hey JBF63-
Welcome to the forum, it seems like a good question. You've got lots of time before your application is due. I'd suggest supporting one of the forum sponsors, like GoHunt ( ), buy a membership and use their odds and maps. It's a very good site, with great data. Also- if you use the Promo Code "Randy" they'll give you $50 to be used in the gear shop. Well worth the price of admission!
If you can get a 73 tag with three points I think it's a good choice. I hunt 73 - there are some big bucks, but you will need to look at a lot of them to find him. I actually seem to see more and better antelope later in the season.
Not sure where you're seeing the draw odds but what I see is 18% odds with three points. So, far from a sure thing in 2020. I'd look at a different unit if you really want to hunt next year.
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I'm seeing the same thing as Washington Hunter. It took something greater than 3 and less than 4 points to be a lock. And then there is often point creep.
73 is a good lope unit, but you'll need 4 points to lock it in. Personally, I don't think it's worth the special fee. Its got a ton of antelope, but mostly average bucks. You'll need a lot of patience and good optics to find a good one. If you'd be happy with an average buck, it's for you.
73 is a good lope unit, but you'll need 4 points to lock it in. Personally, I don't think it's worth the special fee. Its got a ton of antelope, but mostly average bucks. You'll need a lot of patience and good optics to find a good one. If you'd be happy with an average buck, it's for you.
My feelings exactly. Hunted it in 2018 lots of antelope lots of public and lots of hunters.
I guess i'm confused by the hunt planner map. I clicked on unit 73 then more info, then non resident draw odds. Once there I scroll down to the non resident "Special Preference Points" section where it shows hunt type, quota, preference points and draw odds. What im looking at shows draw odds at 100% all the way down to <3 preference points. Can somebody clue me in on how this should be interpreted? As im reading it, it looks like a sure thing with 3 points. So confused.
I think that was what it took in 2018. I tried with 3 to draw in 2019 special and didn’t pull the tag. I remember thinking when I put in for it this past spring thinking it was a lock and I didn’t get a tag.
Those were 2018 draw odds. The points needed crept in 2019 and will almost certainly creep again in 2020. I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes <5 points to guarantee a tag in 2020.
A lot of it just depends on how bad you want to hunt. It seems like each year point creep increases, the cost to play increases, tags remain flat or decrease while applicants increases. These factors and more have switched my mindset to hunt as often as possible. Sure, I have a few true OIL trophy units I will hold out for, but I use scenarios like yours listed above to find a way to get out in the field and hunt sooner rather than later. I don’t think you’d regret trying to draw that unit if your expectations are realistic.
Applied in the special draw with four points. Should be a lock, but I'm stilling counting down the days until draw results are out!
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