Caribou Gear Tarp

Unit 61 Colorado update


Great job getting it done, especially solo. And thank you for the detailed write up and pics. It felt like I was right there with you.


Rhino Hunter
Thanks guys. Getting that elk out by my self was a challenge like I never faced in my life. There was a few times I wanted to fall over and just die, but in the end the best part of the trip was proving to my self I could do it. I considered my self in pretty good shape and trainned hard for this. I have ran a few full marathons and this elk had me more beat down than any of them.

If you plan a solo trip make sure you know what your getting into or have a plan to get it out especially in this unit because odds are evey step will be up hill.
This is awesome. It has to be so rewarding to accomplish this feat. I live for this kind of hunt adventure and the harder the work the greater the reward. Most people look at me funny when I say and do this but its the way of hunting I prefer. Nice work on a great bull and digging deep to get him out!💪
Hopefully the cows will still be in their normal places after the cold snap. I’m going to chase one on Saturday.
Thanks again guys it was a fun hunt that's for sure. Since the hunt I have been asked by a few guys if it was worth the "wait" to draw the tag.

Truth is I never really felt like I waited for this hunt. Over the twenty-two years I put in for preference points I went to college, got married, had four kids, sent one to college another one will go next year, lost some good friends along the way and went hunting every year. Every April I just filled out the application (actually had to fill it out when I started then the internet was kinda new) put in the preference code for first choice and that was it. I knew some day I would use them, I guess the new "fine" for building up points was the last change to the system I could take to get me to use them.

As for the hunt its self. Was it worth it? I would answer yes. About as close to hunting a large private ranch as I will probably ever get. Lots of elk, actually acting like elk should. No there is not a giant around every tree and yes you will have to earn it, but a great hunt. No place is worth waiting 22 years to hunt. But if you were just putting in for a point every April then I don't think you will be disappointed. Just go enjoy it and don't put any added pressure on yourself.
He was hunting with a guide, w/ a Land Owner tag. Shot it the 2nd day, using a .300 WM (I think that's what he said). He saw 6-7 bulls that day, lots of bugling. This was the largest bull he saw. He shot it late, tracked it a little, then decided to back out and return in the morning. Found it dead a little farther past where they stopped the previous night. They had to back pack it up and out of the steep valley a ways just to get it to as far as the horses could go. Then the horses hauled it up the rest of the way. A very physical hunt he said.

He hunted there last year also during ML season. Passed on one early, but never saw a decent one that was close enough after that.
Big guys do exist in that unit just have to be willing to go after them. Be fun to have that tag every year. Although I don't think I can afford that.
Big guys do exist in that unit just have to be willing to go after them. Be fun to have that tag every year. Although I don't think I can afford that.
The last guy I heard of buying one was $6k for a voucher. No private access and no guide. Didn't know the guy personally though and there may be cheaper ones out there.
The last guy I heard of buying one was $6k for a voucher. No private access and no guide. Didn't know the guy personally though and there may be cheaper ones out there.

I heard it was more, but not sure if the guide fee was included in that or not. Good for him, but too rich for my blood.
Congrats on getting in done solo! Great bull! You'll definitely remember that hunt everytime you sit down for dinner.
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