PEAX Equipment

Unit 53 Colorado


New member
Mar 4, 2019
Hey all looking for some inside info from guys that have been in unit 53 chasing elk. Currently looking at points of interest to go scout after mud season any pointers would go along way. Never been in there and know it is rough country. Going to try a mid September hunt with the bow. I will have roughly 3 weekends that I can spend scouting this summer to go in semi educated. New to the forum so hoping to gain any info yall are willing to give.

Thanks in advance!
Going to try a mid September hunt with the bow.

Ha good luck, we stopped hunting there because it got ridiculous, opening weekend my buddy saw 26 hunters in the little elk basin area...
All around that area is pretty mild country right in the 8k ft? That's what maps are saying. I planned on going higher and deeper into the unit. All that being said did your buddy come across some elk on that side of the unit?
There are elk, the unit just isn’t what it used to be due to pressure...turn on the topo lines it’s not about elevation so much as grade. Just getting to the south side of the chains is a chore. You can’t just grease up those hillsides. The trail out of coal road is pretty flat but you have to go in a loooong way and there is an outfitter in there.

I hunted that unit last year. Little elk basin had a lot of guys either hunting it or trying to get there. Timber is THICK! We saw some cows on Browning mountain several days in a row, but never saw bulls there and couldn't find a real good way to get over there from camp. Heard one bugle to the north of tater heap mountain, but that bull only bugled once and we never saw him. We also saw a giant black bear on Browning mountain. Outfitter we were packed in by said he hadn't heard of a kill all week that we were there. But it was pretty warm too, so that may have slowed things down.
There are elk, the unit just isn’t what it used to be due to pressure...turn on the topo lines it’s not about elevation so much as grade. Just getting to the south side of the chains is a chore. You can’t just grease up those hillsides. The trail out of coal road is pretty flat but you have to go in a loooong way and there is an outfitter in there.

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Curious. I've heard guys say several times "there's an outfitter in there" when they talk about certain units. Does this mean that you recommend not going in there because of the outfitter, or just giving him a heads up that there will be someone else hunting in that area?
Thick timber, steep hills, tons of hunters, throw in some outfitters and you have OTC Elk in CO. Pick a unit and go. You'll have a blast looking for elk and avoiding other hunters!
Curious. I've heard guys say several times "there's an outfitter in there" when they talk about certain units. Does this mean that you recommend not going in there because of the outfitter, or just giving him a heads up that there will be someone else hunting in that area?

A lot of DIY hunters are going in on foot, thereby limiting their flexibility to change locations, what hunters are signaling is hey you are going to bust your butt to get into a basin only to find that 10 guys with horses are already there thereby decreasing your chances of success.
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We hitting the same Unit 1st week of Sept this year (2019). Looking to take an expensive camping trips with the bow, but it will be fun to to be out and try our luck. Love seeing the pictures of the units. Anyone have some to share? Mountain tops would be awesome. We are coming from Illinois so this will be out first ever trip out West.
There is an outfitter in every basin in Colorado, I wouldn’t use that as a criterion for selecting a hunting spot.
Low elk numbers mixed with high hunting pressure and tough terrain. But you might as well go this year because with the ever expanding bear population and Colorado bringing back wolves it’s pretty much now or never. Don’t waste money on points probably won’t be any left.
Very thick, a lot of hunters, a lot of outfitters, including at least one illegal outfitter. I have seen public land posted by outfitters to keep people out and had them harass us. Bears are everywhere.

If you are finding a bull it is above 10K ft.

There are much better units. I have moved to another because of all the issues I had the last 3 years.
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