Unique Spike


Aug 18, 2012
Glen, Montana
While bowhunting this morning this unique spike came into a wallow. The right antler came straight down along his nose blocking his vision looking forward.

Will next years antler grow the same way? I guess it depends on if the pedicle was damaged. Maybe one of you guys knows for sure. What an awesome pic.
Will next years antler grow the same way? I guess it depends on if the pedicle was damaged. Maybe one of you guys knows for sure. What an awesome pic.

I would expect it to. Depends whether the pedicle was broken or if it was just the antler when it was in velvet. That one looks like it's the pedicle to me.

Neat pic.
Shot an old blacktail buck years ago that had broken a pedicle when he was a yearling and never shed the antler or grew a new one. Had a spike that dangled down in front like that.
The right antler came straight down along his nose blocking his vision looking forward.

The only way I'm gonna kill an elk with my bow is if I find a bull like this with one exception: the vision in both eyes needs to be blocked