Uncle Marshall


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
Everyone should have an Uncle Marshall, as a kid growing up in Ft. Worth we would drive over to West Monroe, La on Christmas or Thanksgiving usually arriving late at night. Uncle Marshall would be in Bed while Aunt Betty would have a smile and Giggle in her voice that we had arrived safe. As a 4 or 5 year old I remember sneaking into Uncle Marshal's room and rubbing my face on his whiskers, he loved kids!
Later as I grew older I got to go Deer Hunting with Uncles, cousins and Aunts. What a wonderful time, cousins Denny and David would load the dogs and saddle the horses and away we would go to place like Whorley Hill or any of a dozen colorful named spots we hunted.
Uncle Marshall was the Huntmaster, I was a stander who was let off on a Haul road to "Stand" there listening for the dogs and maybe a deer to come by. Every so often someone would come by and Holler "Did the dogs cross here?" Maybe that the dogs were running a big Buck! You would hear a Cow Horn being blown to call the dog together and down the road would come Uncle Marshall on a TWH sitting steady in the saddle with a deer behind the saddle and 6 or 9 dogs running at his feet. To me he looked like a Knight coming from a Joust!
Uncle Marshall was one of 18 brothers and sisters, I never could remember them all! LOL We had a great time during the hunt and at the end of the day I would climb into Uncle Marshall's truck and go from one country store to the next looking for dogs that were missing. Back then everyone of those stores had a dog pen other hunters would put his dogs that they found during the day. Here is the fun part of being of being co pilot with Uncle Marshall, every store I got a Chocolate YoHoo and a Banana Flip cake!
Well this morning Uncle Marshall went to see the Lord. Cousin David said he was calling his Dogs and talking about going home. I can't help but see the good things in life that Uncle Marshall showed us. Now he can ride forever with a pack of dogs trailing behind and blow that Cow Horn! Love ya Uncle Marshall. Johnny
Condolences from here also. It sounds like you have a whole bank full of memories though, so keep those in a place where you can pull them up and enjoy them.
Thanks Draftstud. Happy riding Uncle Marshall, "Well done" with this life, enjoy your new one.
Sorry to hear of your loss Draftstud, good memories will last forever. My condolences.
Thanks for opening that window into your world and sharing your precious memories of Uncle Marshall. Those are the times that make us who we are, and you honor him and his memory by sharing your story. The world is poorer by his passing; my sincere condolences. RT
Well I am back from Uncle Marshall's Funeral. There must have been 300 folks there. I got to catch up with alot of old Hunting Friends. There were 3 Ministers speaking about Uncle Marshall and one of them read my story I shared with ya'll. My Aunt Betty was surprised by the condolences on this site.
Personally I would like to say Thank You to everyone here and hope for Good Memories of Loved ones who showed enough love to teach us about Hunting and Life. As I was leaving Aunt Betty pressed Uncle Marshall's Old Timer knife into my hand, it's sharp and Not For Sale! John