Twodot in the Bozone


New member
Feb 3, 2003
indiana no more
Any tips..just came from Hyalite Canyon...dogs and women on skis...thinking about Livingston to Gardiner...any thoughts, anyone seeing anything in this area. Thanks
Okay, so this is and has been Mrs Twodot...he just called from G. Gateway...and they almost hit one on the jumped out of the river, ran across the road onto safely posted TT land! Wolf juju just went way up!
twodot here at Bozeman, posting from the motel.
strike out up hyalite area. too many ladies and dogs to even think about a good hunttoday.
went down to Taylor's fork hoping toget west past the guest ranch but the road was im-passable to 4x4 truck. Way too many snow mobiles in there running every where.
Gonna spend the nite and thinking about going back south from Livingstone, but that looks like access to huntable ground might be a pain.
Thinking seriously about driving north of Kalispel and making a few days up there.
Needing-- open roads to areas that can be glassed after crossing wolf tracks , and way less outdoor rec type people.
Anyone with a quick suggestion please chime in. Gonna go get a bite then come back thru the lobby and check this post.
Oh yes, on the road south from Bozman, 191 just north of the Gallatin nat. forest, we had a big grey one jump into the road and cross right on my bumper. Instinct made me hit the brake and swerve when I coulda tagged out with my f350. Unreal just to have one right there below the bumper. We did stop and get pictures where he crossed the fence, even got a couple of tufts of wolf hair!
thanks, twodot
Check with Jerry O'hair at the O'hair Ranch just south of Livingston. The B-Bar Ranch up in Tom Miner Basin is worth a call and close to the Park. You might also talk to Mike Story at the Story Ranch at Emigrant. All are in the Paradise Valley.
I've also heard wolves up New World Gulch...last time was this past October. They were in the "basins" just north and east of Mystic Lake. I think they hop back and forth between Hyalite and New World Gulch during the fall; not sure exactly where they'd be now.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes!
bsbluesman, thank you, I called those three, and only got to speak with one. His son was trying to get a wolf at the time and I was not invited out. Well worth the time trying though. thanks.
tried New world yesterday afternoon/eve. Pet dogs everywhere, trails looked to be paved with dogcrap that had been skied thru. Nasty. Young people everywhere. Not used to crowd syle hunting.
Spoke with a guy who lives at the trail head area, he said that he has not heard or seen any wolves there, found lots of fresh moose sign in bear creek area, and several tracks that just didn't quite read as pet dog sign. Hard to tell. Lots of joggers, hikers and their dogs. Did i mention everybody there had their dogs?
I thank everyone for participating in this hunt.
I am now at Kalispell and have a very hot tip on the actual whereabouts of two packs for in the morning!!
Hope to finally get in a position to actually try some calling tomorrow.
On Taylor's Fork, take a snowmobile or stay home for now. You can only drive 4x4 up to the guest ranch entrance. I had hoped to get much farther back into the west but was snowed out.
There were also a ton of sled riders in there on the souh side of the road. Good luck
Lots of joggers, hikers and their dogs. Did i mention everybody there had their dogs?

Welcome to Bozeman! If you don't have more dogs than kids, drive a Subaru, and wear a fleece jacket that has more pet hair than fleece showing then you're out of place.

If you thought the trail was bad with dog crap try mowing lawns in this town. Every college kid has one and they don't pick up after them.
Back home from the big wolf adventure!
Spent a week on the road and learned a bunch on what not to do while looking to kill a wolf.
The warm weather, that we all enjoyed the past couple of weeks was bad juju for getting around in the mountains. What had been snow covered roads, were now covered with several inches of ice.
(or in the case of the Bozeman area, icy dog sh-t)
After several days of trying to make it happen in the lower corner of the state. ( a mistake for me without a snowmobile). We headed north to the Kalispell area.
Wolf heaven lies somewhere near there. Relying on the tips from a reliable Huntalk, source, we did indeed find wolf tracks, scat and you basic wolf sign in abundance in the area.
Problem was, not knowing the area,and the darn roads were icy, very icy and all uphill travel in a supercab f350 even with chains was downright foolish.
Once again, a snowmobile would have been the hot ticket.
Snow was also very crusted, and good fresh sign was probably missed due to bad conditions.
On the way home, we spent a day in the Condon, Seeley lake area, and would also hit that area again in a heartbeat.
Our method of hunting was also limited, we would find sign and then walk in away from the roads as far as possible and howl, hopping for response. Had hoped to also spend a lot more time glassing than we actually did.
Next time, I will not go in bluebird weather, I will wait for a good fresh snow and will head for the northwest corner with my little Cherokee and hit the logging roads to cut a fresh track or hopefully find a kill to set up around. I am hooked
Thanks to all who helped with information on this outing. I think I'll try again late Feb.
Special thanks to drathaar for the hot tips up north!
Jeezuz dude, bout time you checked in. I thought the marionites nabbed ya or something. Figured your wife or family member would get on here and ask for help because you never came home.

Its a real crap shoot in that kind of weather.

Wolf hunting is a real crap shoot anyway.
sorrry bout the delay there, got home and had major backlog on household and trapline comitments.
Pretty well caught up now and time to start dreaming of the next big adventure!
I spoke with a group of loggers over in some of your prescribed spots and they all said it really is the place for wolves. I plan on being back, with a better plan. thanks again

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