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Turkey Success! Last day of the season!


Active member
Jan 5, 2019
Western Oregon
My first bow kill, first year bow hunting. Finally had everything go to plan. I went out before daylight, sat behind a big pile of stacked firewood next to the pasture they like to hang around. I could hear them in the trees. When it got light out about 20 of them flew down right in front of me but landed about 40-50 yards out. Then this big Tom landed and stopped 10 yards away. I was already at full draw. Let it fly. He flew 70 yards across a creek into the next field and died where he landed. 19.4 pounds, 8” beard

awesome stuff!

A guy I know hunts turkeys in oregon and it seems they're like rats over there. Makes me wonder if I should take stroll down there from WA this spring.
awesome stuff!

A guy I know hunts turkeys in oregon and it seems they're like rats over there. Makes me wonder if I should take stroll down there from WA this spring.

Depends on the area, but there are quite a few in the Willamette valley where I live, and supposed to be a lot down south around Medford.

The flock I’ve been hunting 5 minutes from my house is 40+ birds.
awesome stuff!

A guy I know hunts turkeys in oregon and it seems they're like rats over there. Makes me wonder if I should take stroll down there from WA this spring.

The Evans Creek Unit is loaded with birds, and private access is pretty easy to get if you are not a jerk. The Applegate valley also has birds but locating them can be a bit more difficult for some reason.

Grat's Mossy on getting a last day bird, I feel like those are the best kind of hunts.