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Trump on Public Lands-Maybe Not the Ally You Thought Edition

The only reason that I would have considered voting for Trump was his pro-public land stance. The democrats and their attacks on the 2nd ammendment make me unable to vote for them as well. I may write in a vote this November.
Strange, he said the opposite to a group with different opinions regarding this issue, affirming those opinions. It's as though he doesn't have any actual principles guiding his proposals, just saying whatever he thinks people want to hear. That's too bad, I had hoped he was more sincere.

Since I don't really want to tax myself into serfdom, I guess I'm a Hillary guy now.
I thought maybe Trump would be different on public lands than the rest, but knew it was wishful thinking at best.

The second that he got tied up with Don Peay, I knew it was all over...and I was right.
It would be interesting to see what his son has to say about protecting public lands now. He came across as such a huge proponent. I guess anything is for sale in order to win an election. I really can't see Trump winning the general election anyway.
Hillary may be the best choice in this election........did I just say that?
I'd vote for Bernie before Hillary. His stance on public land was much more clear than hers and his views on gun control are a little less nauseating. Did I just say I'd vote for Bernie?? Ooofda...
I had a talk with a very conservative buddy of mine, and he is absolutely nauseated with the GOP...the meanness in the campaigns, win at all costs, take no responsibility for your actions and things you say, etc. etc.

In a total shock to me, he mentioned that even though he didn't agree with all of what Bernie believes, at least the guy is not running a smear campaign and stays on point with the issues.

The GOP is imploding...they're not going to recover from this mess. I think the ramifications are going to much bigger than just losing the presidency again.
Bernie is a disaster. He would be such an embarrassment on the international/economic front that the Republicans would gain control for several elections cycles, long enough to really try for federal land SALE, not just transfer.

Or, even worse, he would ride a wave of Democratic wins signaling a new era of socialist policies. Not sure the federal land issue matters much to me if my taxes suddenly go up $10k a year.

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