Truck Camping Question


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2015
SE Indiana
Backpacking in around bears it is a pretty known strategy to hang your food far away from your camp. What about truck camping? Is it ok to keep it in your truck/camper? Or should you take it and hang it separately away from camp too?

Put it in the cab.
Ensure that your food is contained and sealed as tightly as possible to eliminate odors. Also make certain your truck is tightly locked/sealed. Do not leave a window cracked open, as bears have been known to break into vehicles to get at food and have completely destroyed interiors.
Ensure that your food is contained and sealed as tightly as possible to eliminate odors. Also make certain your truck is tightly locked/sealed. Do not leave a window cracked open, as bears have been known to break into vehicles to get at food and have completely destroyed interiors.

This. I have seen a black bear get into the cab of a locked F350 and completely destroy the interior, basically totaling the truck.
I love that Shelby Cobra story. I still remember the first time I saw a Shelby back in the 60's, what a car!
This. I have seen a black bear get into the cab of a locked F350 and completely destroy the interior, basically totaling the truck.

I have seen every kind of vehicle ,cooler,etc. totally shredded. Sometimes just for a wrapper or trash left in car. I'm sure I could find a peeled PU door photo somewhere.
Keeping the food smells in check is a big one. That said I have camped for years & only had backpack camps & my cabin broken into.
I don't think food would be safe anywhere in a vehicle if a bear smells it.

bear in car.jpg
Backpacking in around bears it is a pretty known strategy to hang your food far away from your camp. What about truck camping? Is it ok to keep it in your truck/camper? Or should you take it and hang it separately away from camp too?


Really depends on where you are camping as well, bears that are habituated to humans and see them as a food source are going to be a much bigger problem. I always try to keep food in coolers in my car, but I wouldn't be worried about leaving a half eaten sandwich on my seat in the CO in the White River NF, but I would never do that anywhere around Yosemite. Also depends on how much bear sign I'm seeing around camp, was backpack camping last fall and saw tons of bear sign and glassed up 8 or 9 bears in one afternoon. The next day I hung everything including my pad and bag, my brother-n-law just hung his food and his bag got shredded.
I've always kept food in my truck in either the cab or the back and never had a problem. I've always been more concerned around Colorado and California than I am in MT. The black bears aren't quite so bold here.
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