TRCP and sportsman and women for biden.

Protection > Both parties will sell us out in regards to public land transfer. Public Land Transfer is just very low on the list of concerns for the average american. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if the majority was for a sell off. We need to stick together regardless of which lever you pull.
Five years ago the Senate voted to sell, transfer, or eliminate public lands. The vote fell almost entirely on party lines with Republicans voting yes (to sell off), and Democrats voting no (not to sell).

This is all public record, facts are still facts.
yeah... I don't think either candidate actually gives a crap about sportsman this election cycle and in general this is just kinda a thing both sides do every 4 years.
'nuff said... Agree.

As mentioned on other political occasions - clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right... here I am stuck in the middle with you.
Five years ago the Senate voted to sell, transfer, or eliminate public lands. The vote fell almost entirely on party lines with Republicans voting yes (to sell off), and Democrats voting no (not to sell).

This is all public record, facts are still facts.

And everytime a poorly thought ut gun bill comes up, it's a majority of the dem party that votes for it.

We're stuck in between two dumbasses. It's our job to pick the least offensive dumbass.

[Insert Godfather III gif here]
Part of the problem is locking in to one side or the other. Both have good points and bad. Have talked to more people now who vote against someone, not for someone. Know people who don't like either candidate, but dislike the one so much they just don't want them or their party's ideals in office. Shows how little faith there is in both parties that many are voting against something vs for something. Doesn't seem like a great path, but it's how the country is going.
If Rs would just stop their onslaught against clean air, clean water, public land, and wildlife, and maybe recognize that gays and minorities have rights too I'd jump on their ship. And honestly I feel there's a better chance of all of that happening before the D's give up on the idea of FREE EVERYTHING, crime is okay, and everything always has to be 100% PC.
It's our job to pick the least offensive dumbass.
Two party system for the loss and mutual Boss Party to ensure it remains two party.

Write in... part deux? Not a question for those who support one of the two parties... a bit rhetorical not specific to Ben, more to the comment.
If Rs would just stop their onslaught against clean air, clean water, public land, and wildlife, and maybe recognize that gays and minorities have rights too I'd jump on their ship. And honestly I feel there's a better chance of all of that happening before the D's give up on the idea of FREE EVERYTHING, crime is okay, and everything always has to be 100% PC.
There has to be a balance between rape/pillage and tree hug everything to death. This fact is totaly lost on most democrats.
If Rs would just stop their onslaught against clean air, clean water, public land, and wildlife, and maybe recognize that gays and minorities have rights too I'd jump on their ship. And honestly I feel there's a better chance of all of that happening before the D's give up on the idea of FREE EVERYTHING, crime is okay, and everything always has to be 100% PC.

I’ll only push back on the Free Everything part a little. I think Hillary, and now Biden, proved that the insurance companies and other corporate sludge machines have their hands, fingers, toes and... other phalanges buried deep into both parties.
I’ll only push back on the Free Everything part a little. I think Hillary, and now Biden, proved that the insurance companies and other corporate sludge machines have their hands, fingers, toes and... other phalanges buried deep into both parties.
Our medical insurance system being a mess is the result of constant government intervention since the Reagan admin and probably earlier. It's to the point when realistically it's not even insurance anymore. Obama care made it much worse and it would get no better under Biden.
Our medical insurance system being a mess is the result of constant government intervention since the Reagan admin and probably earlier. It's to the point when realistically it's not even insurance anymore. Obama care made it much worse and it would get no better under Biden.
Would it really be better one of the largest industries on the planet was allowed to profit off not providing you benefits without regulation? I have have front row seats to the brutality of the private health insurance machine.

I’ll only push back on the Free Everything part a little. I think Hillary, and now Biden, proved that the insurance companies and other corporate sludge machines have their hands, fingers, toes and... other phalanges buried deep into both parties.
Free college, free health care (which is probably the only thing I would support), free money for ______ cause, universal income, higher minimum wage (which just means my mid-level wage is worth less)... the list goes on
Would it really be better one of the largest industries on the planet was allowed to profit off not providing you benefits without regulation? I have have front row seats to the brutality of the private health insurance machine.

Free college, free health care (which is probably the only thing I would support), free money for ______ cause, universal income, higher minimum wage (which just means my mid-level wage is worth less)... the list goes on
“Free healthcare” who pays for the “free”? Government produces nothing of value it’s a big fat tick on our back take take take.
Love to see it.

Not wanting to hijack the thread but here you go:


Congress of the United States // House of Representatives // Washington, DC 20515


September 1, 2020

Mr. wyoelkfan15

Dear Mr. wyoelkfan15:

Thank you for contacting me to express your support for H.R. 1957, the Great American Outdoors Act. I appreciate your input and the opportunity to respond.

Nearly fifty percent of our state is made up of federal lands, and in Wyoming we are home to the nation's first national park, first national forest, and first national monument. I agree that one of our priorities should be to protect our treasured lands for future generations to enjoy.

As you know, H.R. 1957 authorized funding for the maintenance backlog at our National Parks, however, it also authorized additional mandatory spending, including making permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).

The LWCF was created by Congress in 1965 in order to safeguard public lands and provide recreation opportunities to all Americans. Initially, 60% of these funds were intended for state grant programs, and 40% was to be used towards land acquisition. Since then, the LWCF has deviated from its initial goal, now utilizing the majority of funds for land acquisition. This has greatly expanded the federal estate and resulted in an egregious deferred maintenance backlog by federal agencies responsible for these lands. I believe the LWCF should target state and local projects while limiting the federal government's ability to acquire new areas of public land. Furthermore, a permanent reauthorization will prevent Congress from making critical reforms to improve the LWCF. Increasingly, the federal government is unable to properly maintain land acquired under this program. It would be irresponsible to expand it further. Additionally, including the permanent authorization of this program increases the mandatory spending that Congress must provide each year, increasing our mandatory spending at a time when we are facing a grave debt crisis. This is why I opposed H.R. 1957 in the House and Senators Enzi and Barrasso opposed it in the Senate.

Again, I appreciate your thoughts and concerns and it is an honor to represent you in Congress. Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at 307-772-2595, through my website ( or on Facebook and Twitter.
Representative's Signature

Liz Cheney
Member of Congress
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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