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TRCP and sportsman and women for biden.

Thank God we live in America and have choices and opportunities.
I did not read thru everything to see how the thread got here. The insurance business and gaming industry have much in common. They know the numbers for the long run. They price their product to cover that risk and for as much profit as the market will bear.

The USA has ended up in the position of financing most of the research for emerging medical treatments. Big pharma charges far more for new drugs in the US than they are able to in other countries. They get that gravy train for the time the patent for the drug lasts. Insurance companies just adjust rates higher and carry on.

I own stock in big pharma, knowing that nothing is likely to change anytime soon.
TRCP endorses Biden turns to... Tribalized political opinions that do not match another's opinion. Welcome internet cooing club of America! :)
Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway...damn those commies and their socialized healthcare

Since we're off the rails...While being married to someone in the medical field, I've learned a great deal about fallacies of a few of those healthcare systems that are aspired to by certain political figures here every election cycle. Most of the countries you mention are a complete disaster if you're able to educate yourself on the realities and not just regurgitate the popular sound bytes. You like dying of cancer while waiting in line for treatment? Try socialized medicine, they'll oblige in a heartbeat, probably your last one...
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Since we're off the rails...While being married to someone in the medical field, I've learned a great deal about fallacies of a few of those healthcare systems that are aspired to by certain political figures here every election cycle. The most of the countries you mention are a complete disaster if you're able to educate yourself on the realities and not just regurgitate the popular sound bytes. You like dying of cancer while waiting in line for treatment? Try socialized medicine, they'll oblige in a heartbeat, probably your last one...

Swing and a miss.

While my Canadian friend ultimately lost his wife to cancer. She never waited in line for a treatment and managed to hold off breast cancer for 15 years or so. They never had to worry about the financial aspect of her many treatments.

If you look at life expectancy, birth mortality, and a host of other stats,, we do not stand out as being best in class,, compared to other advanced countries.

I have had the good fortune to have good health insurance my entire adult life,,, even being fortunate enough to have employer provided insurance in retirement. Even with that,, it is obvious to me our model is badly flawed.
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Swing and a miss.

While my Canadian friend ultimately lost his wife to cancer. She never waited in line for a treatment and managed to hold off breast cancer for 15 years or so. They never had to worry about the financial aspect of her many treatments.

If you look at life expectancy, birth mortality, and a host of other stats,, we do stand out as being best in class,, compared to other advanced countries.

I have had the good fortune to have good health insurance my entire adult life,,, even being fortunate enough to have employer provided insurance in retirement. Even with that,, it is obvious to me our model is badly flawed.

Sorry for the loss of your friend, but that one positive experience does not trump the facts and your other two statements seem to support what I wrote, so I'm not sure who's really 'missing' here. And yes our model has some flaws, but instead of changing the whole system maybe we should just focus on the flaws instead of the votes...
Since we're off the rails...While being married to someone in the medical field, I've learned a great deal about fallacies of a few of those healthcare systems that are aspired to by certain political figures here every election cycle. The most of the countries you mention are a complete disaster if you're able to educate yourself on the realities and not just regurgitate the popular sound bytes. You like dying of cancer while waiting in line for treatment? Try socialized medicine, they'll oblige in a heartbeat, probably your last one...

I'll let 406 and Ontario hunters comments answer for this. The political sound bites you mention are rampant on both sides of this discussion. If you think our current system is not insanely out of whack for the American people I don't know what to say.
Since we're off the rails...While being married to someone in the medical field, I've learned a great deal about fallacies of a few of those healthcare systems that are aspired to by certain political figures here every election cycle. The most of the countries you mention are a complete disaster if you're able to educate yourself on the realities and

not just regurgitate the popular sound bytes.

You like dying of cancer while waiting in line for treatment? Try socialized medicine, they'll oblige in a heartbeat, probably your last one...


I know plenty of people in the medical field that would disagree with the "complete disaster" statement. From physicians to a good friend that was in charge of payment policy and reimbursement for several large medical device companies. He worked with commercial insurers in the US, US gov't (the socialized stuff - VA, medicare, medicaid) and foreign gov'ts.
If you don't know what to say hyperbole can always fill the hole...

I guess you know. Your earlier posts seem well represented with it.

The fact is the overall health of the American public is not very good when compared to most industrialized nations. I think we are behind both Canada,,,,,,,,and Cuba in life expectancy. Canada I could excuse but really,,,,,,,,,,Cuba?

There are some in the ranks of hunters and anglers who enjoy the politics, maybe even more than hunting and angling. They join these groups as they identify with a political party as much, possibly more so, as they identify as a hunter or angler.

Personally, I hate the formation of these groups. They get formed on both sides. They eventually get used as pawns in the political process. These groups accelerate the politicization of our issues and that is a large negative in my mind.

Look at these groups, going back to however far you want, and see what happens. Whoever wins rolls out their "sportsmen for (insert here)" when they are going to do something where they need political cover. Might be on gun control, might be on lowering regulations at the expense of wild places/things. End result is that we end up being used as pawns to further political agendas that usually have little long-term benefit to our most important issues.

If these party-inclined folks want to spend their time politicking for a party/candidate, they need to understand that about half the time they are going to be left out of the discussion. Once you jump on the wagon of Sportsmen for Trump or Sportsmen for Biden, you are choosing a side that will stick with you forever, excluding you from the important discussion when the other side/party is in power. And, it likely puts you at odds with hunters/anglers of a slightly different political blend who you would otherwise have as a working ally.

Everyone is going to have their beliefs they feel are better reflected by one person or the other, sometimes poorly reflected by both sides. To take it to the level of partisanship, where one holds out the banner of hunting and angling, access and conservation, as their way to engage in politics does nothing helpful for the long-term cause of those issues. It only serves to politicize those issues far more than they are, which in my mind takes our issues further into the political morass of impotence.

I get asked to be part of many of these groups. I decline everyone of them. I will vote and express my priorities that way. When it comes to public support, I will be for the party of hunting, fishing, conservation, and access, with support/criticism of any candidate/party who supports/opposes those issues, regardless of party.

I am so glad I will spend 75 days out in the woods over the next few months.

Honestly, with all the BS in politics and the weaponizing of every angle out there, I'm quite jealous. With my new Job, I expect to be able to be out there quite a bit, but I got to get a couple of years in first. Good luck, I'll be looking forward to the shows.
On the healthcare bit:

I honestly think that because of the abuse by insurances companies and the health care system this country will be forced into the single payer option. Eventually those costs will be too high for most. The only problem is, when our government passes it, they won't actually look at why medical care is so expensive and just pay the bill and we won't be any better off.

If you ran any other industry the way insurance/healthcare is run, you'd be dead in the water.

I'm not advocating for single payer, it's just how I see us going. Too many people want to bury their heads in the sand and not want to see the issues. To many who want the single payer system want to bury their heads in the sand as if it will fix everything.

Nobody is looking at the "Why am I paying $20 for an aspirin?" problem.

Damnit, back to hunting and fishing.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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