Total waste!!!!


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2016
I am writing this post incomplete frustration and pissed off. In the unit I was hunting in Colorado unit 47. Not going to say where these guys where from but it boarders Pa and it's to the north. These assholes cut the horns off the bull and left it lay. They told the Worden they didn't know how to gut the elk so they left it. But they knew how to take the horns. I am sorry for swearing but this is just unbelievable to me. What kind of people are going out west and hunting? As I thought this was bad just hanging up with my buddy who hunts in the Fort Collins area. He tells me the wordens are looking for people who shot 2 bulls and a cow and left lay. Can anyone explain why people do this besides laziness and have no ethics. You are taking an animals life for no reason. I hope they find the people in Fort Collins and push it to the max. I know the guys in the unit I was in. In talking to the Worden he was going to the Da office and discuss charges. Please write your thoughts!
Assholes . They come in all shapes and sizes and from all locations.
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This flatlander does his very best to get all the meat he can off any animal, elk or otherwise. I've had 13+hr pack outs with half an elk on my back. Never have I thought about leaving meat lay for any reason.

This sickens me to no end. I hope they get the book thrown at them. I see it all the time even out here on the flat land where 90% of the time you can drive a truck to the kill site. I've witnessed deer with just the tenderloins cut out. The rest left behind.
Saddened but unfortunately not surprised. Trial153 summed it up best.

I always felt that the pack out was the most satisfying part of the whole operation.
Saddened but unfortunately not surprised. Trial153 summed it up best.

I always felt that the pack out was the most satisfying part of the whole operation.

Hmmm. Glad to hear someone else say it first, and that I'm not the only one. It's not a measure of studliness or machismo and it's not bragging. It is simply the good feeling of looking forward and down, trudging steps with the heavy weight of a momentous, glorious, primal, eternal and natural act seeping a moment and a memory into your back and your being.
And people like that are what alot of the non hunting public veiws as "hunters"! Pisses me off!
And not knowing how to gut something so you leave it? Who would ever attempt to hunt any animal without knowing what to do with it after the shot, especially something the size of an elk!
And people like that are what alot of the non hunting public veiws as "hunters"! Pisses me off!
And not knowing how to gut something so you leave it? Who would ever attempt to hunt any animal without knowing what to do with it after the shot, especially something the size of an elk!

Boggles the mind. At least those of us that have one. mtmuley
Obviously a flatlander because they clearly haven't tasted elk.

This "flatlander" skinned quartered and packed his father's elk! Don't lump all of us in with this idiot. People from every state pull this crap!
I refuse to believe they didn't know how to gut an elk. Having had to live in NY for some time and taken their Hunter Ed, I know they cover it. This is horrible PR for other hunters. Throw the book at them.
Sorry didn't mean to lump you good guys in.

If the regs said you only get to take one or the other, the meat or the antlers, I'd go meat every time especially on an elk (unless it's north of 330, i'm not gonna blow smoke).

It shows how stupid they really are when they kill a raghorn or some young bull and just cut off the antlers. You would think they would go spotlight in some premier draw unit during the winter if they wanted horns.
I am writing this post incomplete frustration and pissed off. In the unit I was hunting in Colorado unit 47. Not going to say where these guys where from but it boarders Pa and it's to the north. These assholes cut the horns off the bull and left it lay. They told the Worden they didn't know how to gut the elk so they left it. But they knew how to take the horns. I am sorry for swearing but this is just unbelievable to me. What kind of people are going out west and hunting? As I thought this was bad just hanging up with my buddy who hunts in the Fort Collins area. He tells me the wordens are looking for people who shot 2 bulls and a cow and left lay. Can anyone explain why people do this besides laziness and have no ethics. You are taking an animals life for no reason. I hope they find the people in Fort Collins and push it to the max. I know the guys in the unit I was in. In talking to the Worden he was going to the Da office and discuss charges. Please write your thoughts!

Like I said in another thread, "I wish animals didn't have antlers".


Agreed. It would solve a lot of the problem, but there would still be some idiots shooting animals and leaving them.

While antlers may get more wow factor, cows get poached also, so the theory that antlerless animals won't be poached is a false security. Poaching sucks, despite the species or sex.
Wouldn't be surprised if they came out here not realizing how unforgiving the mountains can be. Probably wore themselves out on the hunt and irresponsibly shot the animals when they knew they wouldn't have the energy to pack them out. Either way, I hope they get tracked down and hit hard. Hopefully it will teach them a lesson. I love it that more people are coming out here and experiencing what the mountains have to offer, but people like this are ruining it. They should have a parole system for poachers. If you get caught poaching, you have to show that you are rehabilitated before hunting or owning a weapon again.
Wouldn't be surprised if they came out here not realizing how unforgiving the mountains can be. Probably wore themselves out on the hunt and irresponsibly shot the animals when they knew they wouldn't have the energy to pack them out. Either way, I hope they get tracked down and hit hard. Hopefully it will teach them a lesson. I love it that more people are coming out here and experiencing what the mountains have to offer, but people like this are ruining it. They should have a parole system for poachers. If you get caught poaching, you have to show that you are rehabilitated before hunting or owning a weapon again.

I agree. If no fine, at least a revocation of hunting license for 5 years. Even if one "doesn't know how" to gut an elk, at least try! However, I in no way buy the argument they didn't know how when they apparently had the tools to remove antlers.
That's just awful and disgusting. i busted my tail getting my elk out last week from 4 1/2 miles off the trail head. When I ran out of time and legs i found a millennial out near the trail who was happy as could be to haul the last quarter
and take it home. their hunting "privileges" should be revoked for a couple of years. As far as quartering it, all you have to do is look at any number of you tube videos showing what to do. No excuse. I didn't read every post here but I hope you turned them in
I have been in contact with the Worden in the area I was hunting in and they are going to file charges!
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