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Tips on how to join bowhunting community?


New member
Mar 12, 2017
Bozeman, MT
Hello All!!
I've just recently joined this forum (as in today) and have found myself browsing these pages for tips and stories of bow hunting elk in the surrounding Bozeman area as I procrastinate writing my thesis... I started shooting my bow a year ago and had my first experience chasing elk this last fall. Luckily my dad was able to travel out here from Oregon to help me navigate and feel more comfortable in the woods. I walked away empty handed but haven't experienced excitement like my encounter with a bull at 60 yards! I've really grown passionate for hunting and am lucky to have a dad that is so knowledgeable and willing to teach me, however being a 12 hour drive away is hindering in our time being able to hunt together.
The real point of this post is to get some information from fellow bow hunters as to how I introduce myself to other people that could possibly mentor me or just be willing to practice shooting and walk around in the woods together! I'm struggling as a 23 year old woman with finding friends that share this interest. If you have any tips on how you found your favorite hunting partner I would love to hear it! Also, I live in Bozeman so if anyone in the surrounding area would like to shoot sometime let me know.
Thanks guys! Excited to keep reading/learning from you all and living vicariously through all your success stories :)
Welcome! I hope you find some people to shoot with. Archery is such a wonderful addition to the sport, and totally becomes an addiction!
The local archery shop, organized 3D shoots, RMEF and other banquets, and on the forums are all good places to meet and socialize with like minded people. See if you can get a friend to go with you and it seems like you double up on meeting people. Put on a camo hat or a hunting related shirt while you're running around on the weekend and you'll be surprised how many people hit you up to talk hunting. Being a young woman might even make it a little easier for you - the old dudes are the ones you're after if you want a mentor.
Awesome seeing more ladies getting involved in the sport. Big sky archery and rmef banquet would be good places. Don't overlook Facebook/instagram, you can get a sense of who you are dealing with.
Archery talk is a good forum to learn about archery stuff and has a women's section. Good luck and hope you find someone to hunt with. I've hunted with several friends I've meet online, some work out and some don't. Meet my buddy Tim from PA on here, we meet for the first time when I picked him up at the airport and headed to the Frank Church for a week, my wife thought I was crazy.

The hunt went well and he came to OR and hunted with me last year for two weeks and this year he's coming back for two weeks in OR and two more in ID. It really is hard to find someone who is as passionate about hunting as some of us are. I've had a lot of friends and even family flake over the years who didn't have their prioritys straight:) LOL!

I'm just lucky to have an awesome enough wife to allow me to hunt so much very few are as fortunate.
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Stop by the FWP office and see what they might have for B.O.W. ( Becoming an Outdoorwoman) workshops scheduled. They do a whole bunch of different workshops with different subjects. I think most of the women who go to those are interested in a wide variety of outdoors activities do you might meet some other bowhunters there. Also a great way to network with some coaches/mentors who might be willing to help or know someone. At the very least it's an opportunity to build some skills and have some fun with like minded people.

Good luck! Met my "mentor" in Bozeman almost 15 years ago. He was a good guide and sherpa, so I married him! :eek:
You might try the and more specifically the Montana Forum. Also, look at joining the Montana Bowhunters Association (MBA). They will be holding their annual banquet in Chico Hot Springs at the end of March. There may be an opportunity to meet others with the same interest.

Good luck and welcome to this site.
I agree with what most of the other people have said. When my wife and I would go to ranges she always had the old veteran bowhunters giving her advise. They were much quicker to help her. Which helped her a lot because it is much easier for her to take teaching from strangers then me. Good Luck and have fun
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