Caribou Gear

Third Quarter Ratings

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Outdoor Channel has released the third quarter rankings for their show lineups. They have yet to provide true ratings, but will give how the show performed against other shows in that programming block - rankings, as they call it.

We were the top rated show in our Friday afternoon and Friday night programming blocks. That is going against a lot of shows who have been around a long time. So, for a first year show to do that well, is pretty amazing.

Our Sunday afternoon programming block includes the shows that go until 7:30 pm, which are some of the best time slots available in outdoor TV. Yet, even in that programming block (with us being at the early part of that block and competing with NFL football), we were the second most watched show.

To say Outdoor Channel is surprised that non-guided hunting would have this level of appeal, would be an understatement. When 97% of hunters go non-guided and no other shows are producing non-guided hunting, I don't find it too surprising that the one show producing non-guided hunting would perform well. Thanks to all of you for watching.

Outdoor Channel is now putting together a very good marketing plan to promote our show even further. All good news for us, our sponsors, and our viewers. The hope is that we can continue to perform this well and eventually get moved to some of the premium time slots on Tuesday, Thursday, or Sunday evenings.

You guys have inundated them with more emails than they received from any other show. Thanks a ton guys. Any of you wanting to keep OC informed of your support of On Your Own Adventures can email them at [email protected].

Thanks for all your support. It is really all of you who make the difference with the networks. They put more emphasis on your fan voting and your emails, than they place on ratings. Hopefully it will continue.

Given this performance, the sponsorship playing field is changing. Waiting for some signed agreements to be returned, and will then give some more updates on the sponsorship picture.

Happy Hunting!
That's a well deserved rating, Big Fin. Glad OC is noticing...
Being an avid turkey hunter I have typically liked shows like Obsession Revealed, and still do. But the format of public hunting that OYOA brings is something that most hunters experience themselves. The frustrations, the effort, the success, and the failure... we've all experienced it.
How to shows are the most appreciated, I think. You can only watch so many kill shots. Plus, most of us can't afford the outfitted hunts, at least most of the time. Having a place to go for information and support/ banter just adds to the package...
Keep up the good work. It's much appreciated...
Congratulations and good luck. No big surprise though on the ratings. Everyone here knew OYOA would be a success. Keep up the good work.
congrats Randy...youre a quality guy running a quality program and youve accumulated a quality following...hope to get to cross paths with you someday!
As for 'all us' out here doing it OYO and on the forums...great job guys...lets keep pushing for Randy, OYO and the way we all like to enjoy the outdoors.
That is some good news. Maybe you will influence more shows to "Show" it the way it is. You might even start by inviting Tiffeny on a tent hunt. John:hump: ;)
Congrats Randy as I agree with Bio Bo in that "you can only watch so many kill shots". I do have to wonder though, someone like me that normally TIVO's the show, do you get credit for those viewings?
Congrats Big Fin, you put together a great show, and people love it. It's a well deserved rating in my opinion.
CHEERS Randy and crew! Thanks to us for supporting your show? How about thanks to you and all those behind this show for a real show hitting the heart of hunting and hunters...

You and those supporting would not be able to thank us if you did not produce a quality real life hunting show! Hold to your ideals and we'll be there and growing all the way!

I'll tell ya - I referred your site and show to others of like mind (friends) - one stated, this show goes beyond hunting - it actually promotes a positive image of real hunting over other shows depicting this as simply a kill sport (perception is often reality - unfortunately) and that coming from a borderline raisin head / hunter (I tease him all the time - care of missoula's diversity - LOL!).
That goes places when those with the only hunting experience is what tv wants to show - versus bringing a value to such a sport and respect of the hunt / outdoors!

Again, cheers to everyone bringing this show to us!
It is entertaining to you sure spank the old shows where the hill billy from Mississippi is hunting in Texas in a deer blind over a feeder.
I don't like many of the shows offered these days.....but I do enjoy OYOA.

Keep it real and Western Randy and it will continue to do's a quality show. Congrats on the ratings.
good luck on the Moosie(?)awards Randy. but tell you right now, you go up and do that same ole happy dance:eek: on TV, might have to reconsider next years vote.:D

congrats on the high praise you have been getting. well deserved. now if we can just get you to do more than just the same old western states?
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