Yeti GOBOX Collection

Things dogs do for their owners!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
SW Michigan
Let my GSP run tonight, he brought me the finest collection of death smell and maggots he could get, he was so proud. For some reason he was mad at me when the hose and shampoo came out. So mom got all the loving when she brought a towel.


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Let my GSP run tonight, he brought me the finest collection of death smell and maggots he could get, he was so proud. For some reason he was mad at me when the hose and shampoo came out. So mom got all the loving when she brought a towel.

He’s like son of a gun! That’s designer cologne you’re washing off damnit!!

Like tapioca pudding, the texture serves no purpose for flavor but it wouldn’t be as good without it🤣😂
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Just had my sisters dogs while she wen't to Costa Rica.
Taught them to sit AND fetch live birds'They won"t touch dead ones.?
If the bird is still twitching and or flopping they will kill with Malice.
Kill em' dead with one shot,they won't touch It.
Did I produce Stone Cold Killers?YEESSSS!! 😎
Let my GSP run tonight, he brought me the finest collection of death smell and maggots he could get, he was so proud. For some reason he was mad at me when the hose and shampoo came out. So mom got all the loving when she brought a towel.
What, no (insert skunk emoji here)?

No matter what, dogs are my favorite people.
Here's one for ya. Back when I was a bachelor and worked long hours overnight I put a doggy door in the back so my two dogs could come and go to the back yard as they pleased. I had a privacy fence and my dogs rarely barked so it wasn't a big deal. Well my neighbors chihuahuas kept digging under the fence and getting in my yard but my old heeler didn't care and just wanted to play with them. A few months later I brought home a stray that was dumped at the ranch I hunted.

Fast forward a couple of months and I get home around 0400 and there is a note on my door from the local PD "Your neighbors dog is dead in your house, please contact neighbor". I stand there and process the note as I'm tired and it doesn't make sense. I walk in the front door and my dogs greet me as always. I see nothing odd. As I walk back to the kitchen and in to the office area where my back door was it turned into something out of a horror movie; blood and hair everywhere. As I step onto my back patio I see the tiny headless body of a head. I search the yard and find the tiny little head.

At this point I'm a mixture of pissed off and sad. I collect the body parts and place them in a trash bag and spend the next couple of hours cleaning my house. At first light I take the victim back to its owner next door. I begin my apologizing profusely and stating I will find a new home for my dog if they so wish as I didn't want this t happen again. The lady was actually really level headed about it and stated it was their fault for not keeping their dogs from digging, etc. Turns out my dogs hurt another of their dogs but it managed to escape. She apologized for calling the police but didn't know what else to do since I wasn't home.

Here's the real kicker. When she was ringing my doorbell and banging on my door hoping I was home, my dog jumped up into the front window to see who it was with her dog in his mouth. She got to see my dog all proud and happy with her dead pup clasped in its killers jaws.

They lined their side of the fence with paving stones the next day.

Pic of the killer.
My dog loves "perfume." If it isn't a rotting carcass to roll around in, it's piles of fresh cow or horse manure. Anyone know of a soap/shampoo that actually gets the stink completely out?
My dog loves "perfume." If it isn't a rotting carcass to roll around in, it's piles of fresh cow or horse manure. Anyone know of a soap/shampoo that actually gets the stink completely out?

I use horse mane shampoos. It does a pretty good job and comes in large quantities!
My dog loves "perfume." If it isn't a rotting carcass to roll around in, it's piles of fresh cow or horse manure. Anyone know of a soap/shampoo that actually gets the stink completely out?
I use dawn dish soap and a severe whoopin, they eventually stop......mostly.
Sometimes you wonder how it is even possible to get that much cow dung on a dog.


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Or eat it, the gross animals. That poor Chihuahua didn't stand a chance with that hog dog. The rabbit in the house would have been a sight, holy cow. I have to help our little corgi/border collie/something else dog into the back of the truck. One day she had killed a field mouse, ate it in two chomps where I could hear the bones crunch, rolled in fresh antelope poop, and ate a cow pie. She stopped when I told her to so I didn't think she got into them all that bad, but when I went to pick her up, I got a handful of antelope poop on my hand, and a face full of dead mouse/cow pie breath that had me dry heaving. She usually is better about that stuff, but that was kindof of rough day.
Funny puppy story about my 12 year old lab, she HATES canada geese something fierce, she got bit by one as a pup and has never forgotten. Well one day I had let her out for a run and she was gone quite awhile, about that time I got a little worried because she usually stays within shouting distance. So I started walking to the truck to see where she went off to and here she comes up the road dragging a full grown canada by the neck. The dang thing was bigger than she was and I bust out laughing. Got a picture of her laying next to it somewhere, boy was she proud of that kill.
This one use to bring back all kinds of dead stuff and roll in anything she could find. Still one of the best dogs ever. Would try to protect you when working pissed off cattle.
RIP Rowdy

This one just eats and drinks too much wine. She does go after moles and squirrels though.
My lab rolled in a pile of poop once when she was a pup. Needless to say I was pissed and she knew it. She got a good bath when we got home. She hasn't rolled in any poop, dead animals, garbage, etc since.

The worst was one time when we were camping my grandpa's beagle rolled in human crap. This was done right when we were packing up to go to bed for the night. That was fun

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