Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

The World's First Fairy Tale



Once upon a time, in a far, far away land was a kingdom on top of a beautifully forested hill which was ruled by a wealthy, but kindly, king. The king was getting toward the shadow side of middle age, and had three daughters, none of which had been asked for their hand in marriage. The oldest daughter was kind of homely :eek:
The middle daughter was a bit plain, but passable :rolleyes:
The youngest daughter was stark raving beautiful!

There was a vile and wicked dragon who lived in a cave at the bottom of the hill who terrified all the travellers to and from the kingdom...indeed, there were horrible stories of some of the wicked things he did to some of the people who were not fleet of foot enough to escape him.

One day the king decided to do something about the problem of the three unmarried daughters and the dragon at the same time. He sent out a royal decree that whom-so-ever slew the dragon could have their choice of the three daughters, the eldest, the middle, or the youngest daughter, to wed, as well as a handsome castle of their own in a particularly beautiful part of the realm.

Over the weeks that followed, many brave young knights came and tried to slay the evil dragon who lived in the cave at the bottom of the hill. The dreams of a castle and the choice of a wealthy wife were like the candle flame to a moth, but alas, each time the end results were disasterous, with the dragon lunging, the knight parrying, the dragon lunging, the knight thrusting, until the dragon wore the knight down and eventually ended up eating him for supper.

Then one day a knight rode in who was unlike any knight the kingdom had ever seen before. He was rather frail and willowy...swaying he was in the saddle like a sapling in a gale. But his attire was the scandal! No one in all the realm had seen such riotous colours of silk along with plumes and peacock feathers fashioned into the most garish outfit ever. The king had his doubts of this knight's manly abilities, but never-the-less, he patiently explained the prize of the castle, and the three daughters.

And so the strange knight went swishing off on his horse to the cave at the bottom of the hill to call out the dragon for a fight to the death. As usual, the dragon came barrelling out of the cave, but just as he was nearly upon the knight, he nimbly skipped out of harm's way. The dragon turned for another lunge, but had little more effect...this time only making a small tear in one of the knights many silken scarves...again the knight prissed out of his reach. And thus it continued until the dragon was fully exhausted, where-upon the knight seized the moment and ended the dragon's reign of terror.

The knight returned to the castle, towing a small wagon containing the head of the dragon, so as to claim his prize. The whole realm was astir that this improbable knight had succeeded where many more virile knights had failed. The king met him at the castle gates and implored of him which of the three daughters he would choose to wed, the eldest :eek: , the middle :rolleyes: , or the youngest daughter

With this, the strange knight lifted his visor and winked at the king in a flirtateous manner, "I had my heart set on YOU, big fella!" lisped the knight.

And there you have it...the World's First Fairy Tale!

"There was a fat knight named Sir Keith
Whose sword was quite hasty unsheathed
He battled for honour
But soon was a goner
And the dragon stood picking his teeth

"Consider the day lost, in which you haven't laughed!"
