The swamp provides

Real nice pics! Shot a lot of wood ducks growing up, limit was 1, then 2. I get about 1 a year in NM, wish we had more.
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The Gators are a bonus out there. This time of year they are lethargic so they don't move much when you paddle up on them. Just give them the respect they deserve and leave them be and they will leave you be.

EYJONAS you're welcome in my swamp anytime. Put you on these woodies.
Boy those are some pretty birds. We're moving out to the snake river soon and I'm hopeful I can get back into some waterfowl hunting.
I took my son and his friend on a duck hunt in Upstate NY when he was about 15, between 5 of us we had our limit of 3 woodies apiece in about 45 minutes, it was the most action packed and fun shooting think we've ever had. Those kids will hopefully remember that trip for years to come, I know my brother and I still talk about it to this day. Wood ducks are some fun shooting, but can be frustrating to hit
I’d mount one of those in a heartbeat. The most beautiful duck. Harlequin and drake pintail are second and third. Thanks for sharing.
I shot a couple when I lived in Georgia and not getting one mounted is a huge regret. Luckily there are some in Ohio so I may be able to make it right.

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