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The Mexico Experience


New member
Nov 30, 2005
Had a chance to go down to Mexico a couple of weeks ago to chase some coues deer. These guys have become my new little obsession and I had a great season here in AZ and now in Mexico. Had a fantastic time and experienced zero problems whatsoever. Can't wait to got back next year!

To see some live video of the buck I killed and some more pics you can go here:


Congratulations! I hunted coues for the first time earlier this month in AZ. I understand your obession. I bowhunted them and was amazed at how stalkable they are. Looking at them on the side of the mountain in thick, waist high brush I didn't think I could possibly get close enough for a shot. But I found it very doable and did get close enough to a great buck, but he stepped through a split in the rocks just as I was beginning to draw. I hope to go back in December.
congrats on a great coues. they are fun to hunt for sure. did you go with a guide or unguided?

we went down into mexico this year too. no significant problems.. they are just really, REALLY unorganized down there so its a slow process.
did you go with a guide or unguided?

.. they are just really, REALLY unorganized down there so its a slow process.

There are no DIY hunts in Mexico, not legally anyways. ALL foreigners hunting in MX must do so through a registered outfitter. Now an outfitter doesn't have to hold your hand on the hunt and you can DIY once you're on the hunting grounds.
Great buck! Congrats. They are on my short list. I'm going to MX in June, but to the farking beach instead. :(
Great looking buck, I would love to hunt down there someday.

Did you take your own rifle, if so was the permit process difficult?
There are no DIY hunts in Mexico, not legally anyways. ALL foreigners hunting in MX must do so through a registered outfitter. Now an outfitter doesn't have to hold your hand on the hunt and you can DIY once you're on the hunting grounds.

ok, yeah the ranch owner / outfitter, took us to the ranch and then left after we got all situated.
after looking at your pictures, looks like where i was. did you go with mario?

nevermind... i looked at the bucks killed a little closer and that is not the group i was thinking went after we did.
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Our trip was unguided and I used my rifle on the hunt. A buddy of mine secured the tags from the rancher and away we went....didn't have to have a guide. It was difficult to get get but like it was mentioned they are very unorganized and it does take way more time then it should. Just have to be patient.

Funny story...we were the only guys in line to get our visas and the lady "helping" us kept stopping what she was doing and would look to her right for minutes at a time. I slid over to see who she might be talking to and it turns out she had a tv set up to the side so she could watch a Spanish version of the show Cheaters. Apparently we were interrupting her morning.
That's a great buck, those beams look very above average.

Congrats buddy.
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