The Ickey Shuffle

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
So, I've probably seen this commercial two hundred times this month. Yet, when it plays, as it does ten times in every Bowl Game, I almost roll on the floor laughing. An off topic subject for a hunting forum, but funny as anything I've seen in years.

Some of you are too young to remember Ickey in his prime. He was a damn good running back who came out of nowhere; UNLV can be correctly called "nowhere" when talking about football. He played one season in 1988 and was a true star his rookie year. Too bad an ACL ruined his career a few games into the 1989 season.

Even though he rushed for over 1,000 yards his rookie year, he was better known for his signature TD celebration; "The Ickey Shuffle." It was classic. And, the focus of the recent Geico TV commercial.

Mrs. Fin used to pull her hair out as I would do the "Ickey Shuffle" whenever something good happened to us. One-Two-Three to the left, One-Two-Three to the right, three steps back, and fake like spiking the ball. She hated it. Now, when I do it, she laughs as hard as I do. I'm thinking it might need to be part of the TV show someday, even though I've never been as good at it as Ickey Woods.

I saw a documentary about him a while back. It was compelling to watch. A guy who looked to be headed down the path of NFL stardom; wealth and fame in his future. Only to have it all come crashing down. In the interview, he didn't seem outwardly upset about it, rather forging ahead and making a fun life for himself. I hope he is getting filthy rich with the Geico gig.

Anyhow, I know I am probably the oddball in the group, but if you ever watched Ickey Woods in his prime football career, you would know why that TV commercial almost brings me to tears of laughter. Beyond funny, Just saw it again in the TCU-Ole Miss Bowl game and decided to post this and see if anyone else finds it as comical as I do.

One-Two-Three; One-Two-Three ...............
I was 12 when Ickey came out of nowhere and took his team to the superbowl his rookie year. Every kid my age did the Ickey shuffle in a backyard football game.

Ickey was Boomer's only hope to ever get that superbowl ring and they came close against the 49ers. Definitely too bad his career was cut short...such is often the life of an NFL running back.
I remember the Icky shuffle but I am a bit too young to remember what happened to him without you filling in the dots.

Agree...hope he makes a bundle.
In the summer of 1988 I attended the UC Davis Football camp to learn some basics before my freshman football season started. The offensive line coach, (a large African American man) said: Now fella's you gots to know how to do the Cabbage Patch If you a LINEMAN! Because if a LINEMAN scores a touchdown, HE GOTTA DANCE! Do the cabbage patch, do the cabbage patch...
Just watched that commercial and burst out laughing while my wife is trying to put the baby down. Great stuff! I'm doing that dance in celebration of my new rifle!
One of those that makes me laugh every time also! My kids don't understand good simple humor like that
I remember him in his prime also. That was back when there were characters in the NFL. John Riggins, Jack Lambert, etc...The Diva's in the league ruined the personality.
I remember having an ickey shuffle contest in p.e. That was way back when the defense was actually allowed to play....... I have started down the road to old geezerdom!!!!!!
As a lifelong Bengals fan, I remember Icky very well although I was only about 10. That was the best Bengals season I remember. I was a little young to remember the 81 season with Kenny Anderson.
I'm a UNLV alum and I remember it from when I was a kid. I always laugh at that commercial too and hope to see Finn do it someday on the show. That would be hilarious IMO.

Even sadder is that if he had that injury today he could be back on the field in less than a year. Unrelated side note - Andy Dalton is AWFUL.
I'd be telling how old I am if I admit to remembering the Icky shuffle.I wlould like to see you do it on one of your hunts.But would only recommend it be done when you get to your hunt area or finding an animal.I could see it get out of hand if you celebrated like that on a kill.I'm sure you realize that though
Gonna get some cold cuts!!!! Haha I was about 10 years old when Icky was doing his thing. I remember playing football in the street, yard, park back then and you better believe we would do the Icky shuffle after every single touchdown that was scored!
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