The hunting game

Man, this brings back memories! My Dad was anti-video games, I can still hear him telling me, "If you have time to play video games, you have time to clean stalls, clean ditches, and fix the fence." My Mom, on the other hand, saw the writing on the wall that computers would become more and more integrated with our daily lives. She bought us hunting games for the computer and we played until about five minutes before Dad got home. He'd come home to find us out cleaning stalls, feeding the cows, etc.

It wasn't until I was about 18 did I break down and tell him about the hunting games we'd play until just before he came home from work... I'm glad I could run faster scared than he could mad! ;)
That one seems familiar. Deer hunter for pc was a big one for my brother and I. Think we had them all 1 through 5? We had a couple cabelas ones too but they werent as good. Pretty much the only video games I ever played as a kid. I remember playing oregon trail in school as part of history class. My shitty grades reflected that project I spent the whole time shooting buffalo.🤣
Deer hunter for the win!
Elk, deer, bears, pronghorn, sheep, wolves, ducks and geese - probably the best hunting game out there at the moment.
The first one (Red Dead Redemption) you can hunt Buffalo and play Texas Hold en I hunted and played poker more than any of the quest lines. It was the only good part of my shoulder surgery.
I think I played the same game as the OP posted but it was the Browning Hunting Game if I remember. Had the same skunk-hat wearing character though. The game worked well on our old computer we had growing up. I tried some of the Deer Hunter games and at the time they were too advanced for our PC. Later when we upgraded I had a Cabela’s Big Game Hunter that I spent a lot of time on.
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